#PIXEL #bnb历史新高 #bnb

Chatting with friends in the group, he set up a studio, invested more than 200,000 yuan, and played Pixel Farm.

We hired 8 people to maintain 500 accounts, with a monthly salary cost of more than 5,500u;
All 500 accounts bought VIP, and the cost of VIP for 3 months is 500*35, 17500u, which means more than 5800u per month. There are also IP, browser and other tool fees, as well as the cost of renting a house, water, electricity and offline.

Now each account has an average daily income of 2+ pixels. Calculated based on the pixel price of 0.48u, the monthly income is 500*2*30*0.48, or 14400u. It is barely maintainable now. If the pixel price goes up, any income above 0.5u will be profitable.

His studio has been operating for a few months. The price of pixels was a bit higher some time ago, and he was still making a profit. Now he can only barely maintain it and wait for future opportunities.

Pixel Farm VIP Price

There is also a group member who is playing Pixel Farm by himself, manually operating 20 accounts, and buying VIP for each account;

After playing for 10 days, the cumulative income has reached more than 1,300 pixels, and the approximate income is 630u.

The investment cost is 760u for purchasing 3 months of VIP fee. If the pixel price can stabilize, the estimated monthly income after deducting the cost is 1890-250, 1640u, which is equivalent to more than 11,000R. Compared with working people, it is also a good way to earn money.

Playing games is boring, but you have relatively free time, no need to commute and no pressure from a boss; if Pixel can explode or take off in a bull market, there will be greater opportunities.

Can you make money playing Pixel Farm?

There is another group member who plays Pixel Farm, does not buy VIP, consumes 1,000 energy every day, and only operates 2 accounts;

Now the accumulated income is 40 pixels, 20u for free in 3 months.

If you play web3 games without investment, you basically have no chance to make money for free, or the income is extremely low and it is difficult to maintain it.

The popularity of web3 games has been low recently. Although the BTC price has once again exceeded $70,000, there is no new liquidity entering the market and the popularity of the crypto market has not increased.

It seems that the bull market is only a bull market for some people, and most people have not found their own opportunities; or they are fomoing others while unable to find the direction that suits them.

pixel price chart

Players who interact with each other to bet on airdrops lack the excitement of popular projects’ universal airdrops;

The market for wool-pulling is deserted, and there are occasional PUA and witch-checking measures. Most non-professional interactive players have left the market; those who stay continue to sit on the bench, waiting for the day of airdrops.

The threshold for interaction is getting higher and higher. You can’t just consume some gas to get an airdrop. You also need to interact continuously, pay attention to project updates, and continue to complete tasks. This requires not only financial investment, but also a lot of time and energy to continue to follow up.

For example, popular social projects, such as Lens, Phaver and Warpcast, have been submitted for a long time. If there is no continuous interaction, posting, liking and interacting to increase points, it will be difficult to get a big return even if there are airdrops in the future.

Is the social project Phaver interactive?

The secondary market seems simple, just hold on to it, but very few people can hold on to it.

For example, BNB hit a new high today, breaking through 720 US dollars. The BNB I bought for more than 200 dollars at the beginning of the year has tripled by now, but due to the news about CZ and the hot spots within BN, few people were able to hold on to it.

At the beginning of the year, the price of BTC was $44,000, and it has increased by 61% so far; the price of ETH was $2,300, and it has increased by 65% ​​so far;

Holding on to things for a long time will yield different levels of returns, and if you don’t hold on, you won’t be able to win without doing anything.

Or you can pay attention to various MEMEs and the money will double in a few days. Those who can seize the opportunities will see opportunities.

But holding is not easy. When you see your friends’ tokens rising while your own positions remain unchanged, it is easy to change tracks. As a result, you will be trapped as soon as you change positions, or the tokens you sold will rise in value.

pepe has removed two zeros

There are also people who seize the hot spots and take advantage of every opportunity, such as this second brother, who can easily make a profit of 200wu according to a rough calculation.

Of course, we don’t know how much loss is involved, after all, the cost of trial and error is also very high.

Among 100 fake dog projects, only 1% succeed, while 99% behind them are cannon fodder. How much profit they make is actually how much loss they suffer.

Primary market profit 200wu

Regardless of whether the market is bullish or bearish, there are always people who seize huge opportunities.

They have worked hard in a certain niche field and finally waited for the day when the fruits of their labor were ripe. However, there may have been many pitfalls behind the scenes. Those who couldn't hold on would be reduced to zero, while those who held on would stand at the top of victory.

This is the ongoing crypto market, which cannot be copied and can only be used as a reference, and the risks are huge.

The above is just my personal opinion, not investment advice. I am Chu Xiaolian, and I am paying attention to the crypto market and web3.