#IntroToCopytrading #BTC☀ #bnb #zk

Yesterday, Twitter pushed a message that Chuxiaolian’s Twitter account has been registered for 3 years, and I have been in the cryptocurrency circle for more than 3 years.

Time flies really fast. I entered the circle in 2021. From a newbie to now having some knowledge about the crypto market.

Bitcoin is halved every four years, and the market has a four-year cycle. I wonder if 2025 will be the expected trend according to the rules, and will it be another absolute bull market?

This symbol of temptation and opportunity

At the beginning of 2021, the price of BTC was 29k US dollars. It doubled to 58k a month later and reached a historical high in April, breaking through 64k US dollars.

With my naked eyes, I watched BTC continue to rise, and those who were on the sidelines saw new highs in BTC every day. I also successfully got on the train at 55k and was trapped.

At that time, some people said that we would never see BTC at 50k or 60k again. However, after reaching a new high, it fell to 28k in July in a short period of time.

It then rose to its all-time high of $69k in November, followed by a bear market that lasted for more than three years.

This was my first time seeing the roller coaster ride of the crypto market, and naturally I was deeply attracted to it, passively learning and understanding the market.

Bitcoin historical price trend

Chuxiaolian is positioned as a cryptocurrency self-media, learning and understanding web3. From a novice to an entry-level user, I record my learning pace, output my views and understanding, and continue to grow.

I learned about blockchain games in 2021, NFTs in 2022, and inscriptions in 2023, but I haven’t noticed the particularly profitable national wealth code in 2024. The frequency of stories of getting rich in the crypto market has decreased and the growth has slowed down, which also shows that market liquidity and heat have declined in 2024.

Popular interactive projects zksync and Layerzero airdropped, and most people were defrauded, and the gas fees they invested were not recovered. The way of getting rich by airdropping is gradually not suitable for now.

The BTC ecosystem only makes money for some people, and the inscription industry last year made some people gain huge profits; the market is mostly electronic workers. The wealth effect is getting smaller and smaller, and there are no stories of 100 times a day. For most people, the greater the profit, the greater the risk.

In 2024, there will be staking, LSD, RWA, or other gameplays that are being planned and waiting to be released.

Trends of popular interactive projects ZK

Friends in my group often ask me, do you make money by doing self-media?

To be honest, there is really no profit in being a self-media person. I am not a big V and I don’t have traffic. I can only accumulate wallet balance through one 100u after another.

But through the full-platform update of Chuxiaolian’s self-media account, I have indeed gained a lot. I have met friends in the circle. They have helped me a lot and shared the secret of wealth with me.

In the crypto market, high-yield projects are bound to be high-risk. A bull may earn a hundred times, but most of them will return to zero. The slow ones will all return to zero passively.

Contracts can make money quickly, but they are just brilliant fireworks and will eventually return to zero. Slow is fast, so be friends with time.

You should participate more in new tracks and new ways of playing. Spending a few hundred U in gas fees in the early stage may bring you unexpected surprises.

There are more opportunities for games with a certain threshold; the average returns of projects that are rushed in are very low.

Contracts speed up the process of making and losing money

Of course, now is just a process, there is no end, and the future is full of huge uncertainties.

Blockchain is distributed, giving ordinary people the opportunity to connect to the entire network, broaden their horizons, expand their horizons, see more people and opportunities, and truly connect the world.

The crypto market has accelerated the pace of profit and loss. Although it has also witnessed many players going from tens of millions in profits to zero, there are also legendary stories of ordinary people making tens of millions or even tens of millions in profits.

If you make good use of this market tool, you may be able to gain more profits in a relatively short period of time, which is unmatched by other industries. This is the opportunity in the cryptocurrency circle.

The above is just my personal opinion, not investment advice. I am Chu Xiaolian, and I am paying attention to the crypto market and web3.