Let me briefly talk about the logic of my holding the three LUNA brothers. The bankruptcy of LUNA, which was caused by the embezzlement of user funds by the explosive head to short the market, is a well-known thing. In the end, this matter involved three people, DK, CZ, and SBF, all of whom suffered losses. SBF was sentenced to a heavy sentence for embezzling user funds, CZ fought back against injustice, and SBF was involved in forced entry into the United States, received a huge fine and a 4-month trial, and DK fled to Montenegro to play political hide-and-seek. From the whole thing, Luna's rapid bankruptcy has its own protocol problems, and it is more caused by the embezzlement of user funds by FTX, the exchange with the hottest momentum at the time, to short. Luna is wrong, and SBF is more wrong. However, these are not the reasons why I have held the Luna series since last year, but from Binance's continuous destruction and the project itself is also trying to solve the problem instead of avoiding the problem. Of course, I also hold a little FTT. The reason is also very simple. When FTX went bankrupt, the explosive head was also very honest and did not pull the network cable to prevent withdrawals, and both parties left a lot of assets. As the old saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Both Luna and FTX have caused immeasurable damage and impact on the market, but the wealth has not disappeared, it has just been transferred to a few people.

I think losers should not be laughed at, but should be worth learning and studying the reasons and logic of failure.

#FTT赔款 $FTT $USTC $BNB #LUNA退市风波 #BNB金鏟子