OKX has solved the problem of stolen funds of exchange users, but the statement in the announcement indirectly confirms that user information can be obtained at will ❕

There is such a key paragraph in the OKX announcement: It has been verified that someone forged judicial documents and obtained the information of very few customers. This matter has been filed for investigation by the judicial authorities, and we cannot disclose more specific details. We have optimized the process of judicial cooperation, introduced a verification mechanism, and strengthened the security level of AI face recognition. In the future, we will introduce an expiration mechanism for the authentication address in the address book to prevent such incidents from happening again. There are no new cases of user account theft or information leakage.

In addition to the security issues of AI face recognition, hackers can obtain customer information at will by forging judicial documents! It is outrageous that an exchange with more than ten years of history can obtain user information at will by forging judicial documents. For exchanges, user personal privacy information should be the top priority. If information can be easily obtained and stolen, it should be worth reflecting on by the whole industry to do things that expose user privacy under the guise of decentralization! Someone told me before that a famous person in the circle could easily find her home address. At that time, I suspected that the information was obtained through other information channels, but now I have to doubt whether it was other people's personal privacy information leaked from the exchange. Even as an ordinary APP, you can't easily disclose user information without confirmation, let alone you are an exchange. In order to avoid such incidents from happening again, I suggest OKX to raise OKB to 150 US dollars as an apology! $BTC $ETH $BNB #美联储何时降息? #BTC☀