Today, another friend from Shisanquan was cheated. For the dream of getting rich, he not only lost his principal, but also incurred debts of hundreds of thousands.

As soon as possible, Thirteen has always emphasized that you should never trust those who can help you make a lot of money, especially those who guarantee that you will make money.

The world is fair. The more you earn, the higher the risk you take.

Usually scammers will tell you that this wealth opportunity only has opportunity but no risk, and as long as you invest, you can gain a lot of wealth in an instant.

They will use various methods to lower your guard, showing you videos, screenshots of profits, and success stories.

Create the illusion that you can make a lot of money as long as you invest.

We retail investors are really afraid of being poor. In the face of money, our IQ almost instantly turns negative.

I take it for granted that there aren't that many bad people in this world. This older brother looks so kind and a nice guy...

Then I started down a path of no return...

Looking at the friends who have been cheated, they are always dragged into the scam by their friends and relatives. These people may have ulterior motives, but most of them are actually helpless.

They themselves have been deceived and think it is a good opportunity to make money, so they want to share this wealth opportunity with you, and then you will both be wiped out.

Your friends are indeed trustworthy, but after both of you have been cheated, can they still be friends? Will they bear your losses?

Any rock-solid friendship is worthless in the face of money.

I lost my friends and my money.

The best way is to not trust anyone, no matter friends, relatives or even parents. You can give money directly to your parents to honor them, but you cannot be fooled by them into investing.

Trust your own judgment and always keep your money in your own pocket.


Since becoming a self-media outlet, Shisanbi has continued to produce original content.

It took me several years of persistence to gain the current number of fans.

For some fans, they think Shisan is very trustworthy, so some friends even plan to give all their money in the cryptocurrency circle to Shisan and ask Shisan to help manage it.

I looked at the picture below, it’s more than 100w.

You really have a big heart. For most people, this amount of money is something they have never seen in their entire lives, and you gave it all to Thirteen in one go.

What if Thirteen Donations ran away? Who would you turn to?

You trust Thirteen, but Thirteen doesn't trust himself. I'm not sure when the greedy demon in my heart will jump out.

So I just refused.

Once the funds that Thirteen controls exceed the price of Thirteen's IP, the demon in Thirteen's heart may jump out.

Who will bear the loss in the end? You, the fans who blindly believed in others.

Therefore, in the cryptocurrency world, you must always learn how to invest and always keep your money in your own hands.

Do not trust anyone.

Thirteen Circles only charges membership fees, there are no other fees, and the prices are clearly marked. For just a few dozen U, you can enjoy Thirteen’s investment services.

Many people say that Thirteen is cutting leeks, and there is a fee to enter the circle. If you master the correct way to open the currency circle, your dozens of U will be very worthwhile.

After all, any operation in the cryptocurrency world will result in a loss of hundreds of U.

As for free, remember, there is no free lunch in this world, everything has a price. Some kols are indeed free, but they require you to register on the exchange using his link, and also require a certain amount of funds, which is actually also a charge.

The free business model cannot be sustained. After all, we all need to eat, and it is impossible to make selfless contributions without making any profit.

If it is really free and they are extremely enthusiastic towards you and make you feel the warmth of home, then there is a high probability that they are attracted by the capital in your pocket.


In this bull market, the presidential election will be a very important starting condition for this bull market.

Now the entire cryptocurrency circle has become the target of both candidates, because the population base of this circle is getting bigger and bigger, especially there are many young people.

It has become a hot commodity.

In order to bring down the other party, they will do anything possible. Now, Trump has been charged with 24 criminal counts and the court has declared him guilty.

This move can be said to be very cruel.

But the final effect can be said to be very different from what Biden Sr. expected.

Not only did it not hit Trump's reputation, but on the contrary it gained him more support, with many bigwigs standing up to speak for Trump and donate money.

Trump's layout and understanding of the cryptocurrency industry are obviously much better than Biden's. Biden may not even know what this is when donating through the Bitcoin Lightning Network.

In addition, Biden's suppression of cryptocurrencies over the past four years has chilled the entire circle, so it now seems too late to directly win back the hearts of the votes in this circle through operations such as the Ethereum spot ETF.

Trump is in a commanding lead.

The presidential election will be in November. In the intervening months, don’t expect the market to make a deep correction to May or even April. The overall upward trend of the market is unstoppable.

If there is a deep pullback, even a pig would know to get on board, and the banker obviously will not give you this opportunity.

Therefore, cherish the cheap chips in your hands, and don’t think that you have made a lot of money because the price has risen so much, and there will be more in the future.


Recently, Binance OKX HTX Bybit Gate and others have withdrawn their applications for exchange licenses. This is a secret, and there must be something wrong.

According to Wu's revelations, it turned out that the Hong Kong SFC required all platforms to sign a letter of commitment, promising that no region would have mainland Chinese users.

OKX tried to apply for gambling through the alliance, but saw no hope and had to withdraw. Several other companies are also waiting and watching.

Frankly speaking, as a rational investor, I would not dare to put money into the dozen or so exchanges in Hong Kong that are on the list.

Hong Kong is a small place and without mainland users, there is really no need to apply.

The intention from the outset to conduct completely risk-free web3 innovation has caused the market to question whether Hong Kong really intends to embrace web3.

This may be a sequelae, the style is quite similar to ours.

I don’t know how long this negative impact will last and how it will be resolved. Without Binance and OKX, Hong Kong Web3 will not be able to believe that you can provide a safe, open and free innovation environment.

As the capital of web3, many people are scrambling for this piece of fat meat, but Hong Kong is still being picky and trying to achieve innovation under the tight control of its mindset, which is almost impossible.

Let's wait and see how things develop next.

However, no matter how the situation develops, it will have almost no impact on us, so there is no need to worry.


In today's market, the most eye-catching one is bnb.

This coin is the one that Thirteen Circles strongly recommends, and we have been recommending that you treat it as a strategic reserve currency for long-term positions.

We have increased our positions in the ranges of 300~400~500~600. We have not bought above 600, and now we have basically bought enough.

Thirteen has already pledged all of his holdings into the megadrop for 120 days, and is required to hold them long term.

The expected value of this coin is to at least double. If this bull market goes smoothly, it should be around 1500.

We’ll have to wait and see whether we can get there.

The AI ​​sector has been booming recently, so everyone should hold on to the chips in their hands and don’t throw them away.

In addition, ondo has now reached its peak. Some friends choose to sell and make a profit. Thirteen’s chips will not be considered to be eliminated until they reach 3 or more.

In the short term, judging from the technical trend, there is indeed a need for a pullback, but for long-term holding, there is no need to worry about short-term market conditions.

In general, the market outlook remains optimistic, and Ethereum and Sol can continue to be invested in regularly, and the current prices are still very attractive.

Come on, people in the cryptocurrency world,

Welcome to: Minus Thirteen Degrees

Let’s go through the bull and bear markets together and see through the world of cryptocurrency. ​

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