Latest surface sol dynamics:

Sol has been fluctuating in the price range of 160-175 for about a week. It is foreseeable that many investors are stuck on sol. Friends who have been following Ang should know that Ang initially recommended everyone to buy sol at 165, so friends who followed Ang's advice should not be stuck. However, Ang still recommends that everyone wait for a while.

Although the price of sol continues to fluctuate, the price of 175 is like a ceiling that is difficult to break through, but its lowest price has never fallen below 160. Obviously, 160 is a strong support point. Investors can consider continuing to hold and wait for the price to break upward, and set a stop loss when it falls below 160.

Dear investors, the main rising market is about to start, please be patient. I believe that sol will eventually bring you considerable returns.

New action the day after tomorrow: early layout of new coins online, spot, spot, only stock up spot.

#5月非农数据即将公布 #MegadropLista #ETH

It’s still the same sentence, this period is a good time node, you can consider layout


Don’t be anxious, and...

If you take the initiative to flirt with me, I will take you ashore, you just lie down

I will not let my fans miss out in this bull market!!!