Binance Launchpool lists IO (, participate in IO farm by staking BNB and FDUSD is a decentralized cloud computing network, allowing users to access and use endless computing power resources at a fraction of the cost of centralized services. provides computing power solutions to everyone, especially developers and companies in the field of large-scale AI and ML (Machine Learning).

Launchpool IO information:

- Farming time: 07:00 VN, June 7 - 06:59 VN, June 11

- Listing: 19:00 Vietnam, June 11

- Launchpool reward: 20,000,000 IO (4% total supply)

- Initial circulation: 95,000,000 IO (19% total supply)

- Farm $IO by Staking $BNB and $FDUSD

#Binance #Launchpool‬ #ionet