These 16 projects have the potential to list on Binance in the second half of 2024. This is your opportunity to learn about these projects early:

LayerGG has listed recently listed projects to provide criteria for selecting projects that may be selected for listing in the near future on Binance, along with some criteria from statements of Co-Founder Binance (Yi He) to create the list. Accordingly, we will have 3 groups:

Group 1 - Leading projects: StakeStone, Solv Protocol, Babylon, Kinza Finance, Gomble, KiloEX, Puffer. The common point of these projects is that they are invested by Binance Labs and have the ability to integrate with Binance Web3 Wallet.

Group 2 - Projects with high potential: Phaver, UXLINK, zkLink, BEVM, Jumper Exchange, SynFutures. This group fits the criteria of community and early adopter airdrop.

Group 3 - Projects with medium potential: KelpDAO, Sweel and Particle Network.

LayerGG advises investors to pay special attention to projects that are integrated with Binance Web3 Wallet / Airdrop. Furthermore, projects with tokenomics with an Initial Circulating Supply less than 10% of Max Supply will not qualify for listing via Launchpool and Megadrop.

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