Meme coins have exploded continuously, and the next project that may explode is the AI ​​track.

I have reminded everyone to start the layout before. Now, regardless of floating losses or profits, hold it first and wait for the wind to come.  

This method of chasing hot spots is actually to judge the sector rotation in advance and lay out in advance.

I was originally a person in the currency circle who was extremely disgusted with meme coins, but I couldn't stand the fact that this product really rose, it was really hot, and there was consensus.

So I let everyone ambush in advance before.

Now it's time to change the venue.

Many friends asked Thirteen what they could get by joining Thirteen Circles. One of the key points is to grasp the sector rotation.

Ambush the sector that is about to explode in advance, buy it, and wait for the explosion.

Of course, this judgment may not be accurate, and you may misjudge the next sector that will explode, but don't worry, the projects we bet on are all leaders in the sector, and even if they don't explode, they generally won't fall.

The risk is very small.

But as long as we bet on it, the return will be very high.

This operation method is one of Thirteen's favorite operations.

Of course, our main positions are still concentrated on long-term spot, betting on mainstream currencies, such as Ethereum, and the remaining short-term positions are used for short-term trading and catching hot spots.

For specific operation methods, everyone is welcome to join the Thirteen Circles.