I vaguely heard the sound of the copycat bull coming slowly, just like standing on the coast and looking at the sea, you can already see the tip of the mast of a ship. It is standing on the top of a mountain and looking far away in the east, you can see the radiant rising sun. It is a baby that is restless in the mother's womb and is about to mature.

In fact, if Bitcoin is compared to a company, this company has no shortcomings, a very good moat, an impeccable consensus, and a rapidly growing market size. In a word, it is perfect.

If the shares of such a company want to fly, it will only depend on one thing, that is, the amount of water. Or, the Federal Reserve.

If it is a flood like the one in 21 years, it would have risen to heaven by now.

In today's global liquidity shortage, the entire web3 variety is expanding today, so it is inevitable to rise slowly.

Bitcoin represents the strong side, while the copycat represents the weak side.

Now all the little brothers have been fully changed and sorted. It can be said that the dog dealers are ready.

What is the east wind?

It is and can only be that Bitcoin breaks through the previous high.

It's that simple.

So don't worry about what's going on now, just keep an eye on this news.

When the big brother takes the lead, that will be the real horn.

I think it's very close.

If this round is bullish, then such a changeable geopolitical pattern and fundamentals will make this round go faster than before. It must be completed violently and quickly. The world will not give the main force too much time.

How to say it?

It's like a high-speed train speeding from a distance. You seem to hear the sound from a distance, but suddenly, it appears in front of you, and then before you can react, it whizzes past and disappears in front of you.

Cherish the time at a low point now, hurry up, hurry up, use your bullets well.

I put more content in the introduction of the homepage

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