Because I had previously agreed with Wechat Loan to pay 2,000 yuan per month, my salary was deducted by the online loan company, which resulted in me not paying the mortgage for three months. A few days ago, an application for compulsory execution was filed. I told the executing judge about the situation and provided a lot of transaction evidence. After understanding my actual situation, the court communicated with the plaintiff and decided not to freeze my salary card. So before I talk about my experience, I sincerely thank the judge. If my salary card was frozen, all my other plans would be disrupted.

I started to get in touch with virtual currency from my friends in 2020. There are too many currencies, and they are all contracts and short-term transactions. Generally speaking, as an investor, you will default to bundling cryptocurrency speculation with futures and stocks, and don’t think it is gambling. After winning money several times and tasting the sweetness, I know more and more about cryptocurrency speculation. From an ignorant novice, I also began to enter the currency circle, watch real-time dynamics, and was successively pulled into many groups and came into contact with more peers. Some girls of my age have lost five or six million, but I was in profit at the time and couldn’t empathize with them. Maybe I thought I was different, or maybe I thought others were not smart enough, which made me arrogant. In addition to buying myself, I also brought my friends to buy. When I made money, I always thought of some of my good girlfriends and good friends, and never thought that I would hurt them.

My cryptocurrency trading was smooth sailing at the beginning, and I knew when to quit. This mentality will gradually become unmanageable as time goes by. If I lose, I always want to win it back through other means, or add leverage in the market. The biggest loss in a single transaction was 190,000. Because of that loss, I stopped for a while. Seeing others making money by buying stocks, I thought about making back the losses from cryptocurrency trading from the stock market. Needless to say, I lost more than 100,000 in the stock market because I didn’t have the patience to make long-term investments. Basically, any investment I made was short-term. The key is that the transaction fees generated by the exchange are also high. Anyway, I summed up a truth in the stock market: if I buy, it will fall, if I don’t buy, it will rise, if I hold a large position, I will lose, and if I buy less, I may win. It may not be suitable for stock trading, so I regrouped and came to the cryptocurrency market.

I started working when I was 20 years old, and I was promoted from a design assistant to a designer, with a monthly salary of 12,000. My parents also gave me 600,000 yuan to buy a single apartment, but I was always busy and I was still young, so I always rented a house. I actually had a savings of about 1 million yuan, but I was short-circuited at the time. If I used all of it to buy fixed-term financial management, I could earn 30,000 to 40,000 yuan every year, and it would be stable, and I wouldn't have to worry about anything.

When I re-entered the cryptocurrency circle, I invested more than 300,000 yuan, thinking that I could win more than 5,000 yuan a week, and I made three plans: no leverage, no poker, and no impulsiveness. But how could I not be so excited about this gambling-like cryptocurrency speculation? I didn't play poker. I didn't hear any sound when I integrated 300,000 yuan into the cryptocurrency circle. I bought randomly and the money was gone soon. I read many gamblers' submissions, and they were all unconvinced. I had the same mentality. I lost 600,000 yuan before and after. I thought that as long as I could win back all the 600,000 yuan, I would say goodbye to the cryptocurrency circle and never play again. So I invested all the remaining 400,000 yuan in the cryptocurrency circle. In that group, many people became rich overnight, and they could win by buying randomly. Some only invested a few thousand yuan and turned it into hundreds of thousands of yuan, which gave me some confidence.

I always won a few thousand, and lost tens of thousands. I lost more than 100,000. I was mentally ill. I didn't dare to make a big bet when I encountered a coin that continued to grow. When I encountered a coin that continued to lose money, I increased my position to invest. Later, all the remaining deposits were robbed by me. I didn't dare to tell my family. How could a woman go to gamble? If my relatives and friends knew about this, my parents would not be able to hold their heads up for the rest of their lives. I could only start to borrow loans and apply for online loans. As soon as my salary was paid, I would immediately recharge it to the platform to buy coins. In more than half a year, my debt increased to 370,000, which made me sleepless every day. I couldn't hold it anymore. After confessing to my parents, because I was an only child, my parents loved me in every way. Without saying anything, they transferred 500,000 to me. I paid off all my debts and had 130,000 left. In fact, if I had to stop, I could earn back what I lost in at most ten years. I understand all these principles. I have been gambling for so long and lost so much. It is really difficult for me not to think about those things, so I won't repeat the result. I lost all the remaining money.

After losing, I wanted to make it back, so I started to increase leverage, take out online loans and credit cards. Because of my good relationship with them, I borrowed a lot of money from them privately, and owed 850,000 yuan. I almost lost my job because of the debt. I called my parents, and they were so worried that they drove thousands of kilometers from another place to come. As a result, I confessed everything. My parents were afraid that I couldn’t afford it, and originally wanted to sell the house, but I refused. I didn’t want to see my parents without a place to live. In the end, they borrowed 250,000 yuan from relatives, and settled most of the debts from colleagues, clients, and friends first. I chose to negotiate for the credit card, and all the online loans were overdue. I read a lot of posts about quitting gambling, and it is really difficult to rely on myself. If I don’t cut off the source of funds, I really can’t quit.

Currently, I have to pay 4,500 yuan per month on my credit card, for a total of three cards. I have a two-year extension for Jiebei, but the time has not yet come. I was sued for overdue payments on Weilidai, and the result of the negotiation was 2,000 yuan per month. After something unexpected happened, I stopped paying for three months, and Weilidai applied for compulsory execution again. For other large online loans, I always pay the interest first and then the principal, and the principal and interest are all under negotiation. As for my current credit, I can't borrow a penny, so I have been paying off debts as soon as my salary was paid in the past year. My parents' income is about 150,000 yuan a year, and they do some small business. They will pay off the relatives first, and then help me pay it back later. I am lucky that I have not fallen to the level of a pathological gambler. I see many sisters who have lost millions and are still obsessed with it. It really hurts to see them.

The above is a self-narration from a cryptocurrency enthusiast. The purpose of forwarding it is to let everyone understand that cryptocurrency investment is like pulling chestnuts out of the fire, and investment needs to be cautious.

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