On Saturday, Lao Gu Shipan concluded that this week’s short-term running time, the overall winning rate is 85%, and there is room for 👇10,000 points✓!

Finding a good guide these days is just like finding a partner. There are many choices, but you can never get what you want. Even if you read countless people, there is no one like me. Not all teachers are the same. The right person will save you. Wrong People will only consume you. When sincerity meets kindness, it is a perfect match in the world. Thousand-mile horses always exist, but Bole does not always exist, so even though there are famous horses.

This week can be said to be full of gains, and today is a complete victory. The market has continued to fluctuate in a range since it bottomed out and rebounded. What we do in the short-term band 🉐 There are back and forth. They are all ideas and points disclosed by the entire network. Reject All the bells and whistles, profit is profit, loss is loss, we never hide it, and we have always been so honest in the currency industry for several years.

In addition to keeping an eye on the market every day, I also guided the real market and made adjustments. Within five days, I handed in a satisfactory answer. 9,900 short-term long and short Bitcoin points were safely settled. There was also room for more than 1,000 points in the short-term every day. The direction and trend of all points were firmly grasped🤏 🏻

Record feedback on this week’s layout

Bitcoin scores a total of 9,900 points

Learn to speak in three years, and learn to shut up in a lifetime. What you see is me. I will not refute the good or the bad. If you need a famous teacher to show you the way, I will be waiting for you right there. Once you choose, you will benefit for life. Let us travel hand in hand. Coin circle. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿