The biggest unlocks this month are only $ARB and $APT.


🥇$105M worth of $ARB will be unlocked for:

- Team (60%)

- Investors (40%)

The unlocking was relatively small at 3.2% of the circulating supply, but it was all allocated to private groups like VCs and teams.



🥈$103.5M worth of $APT will be unlocked as:

- Contributors (35%)

- Investors (25%)

- Community (28%)

- Basic (12%)

$APT unlocks consist of a mix of public and private allocations, adding approximately 2.6% to the existing circulating supply, and are expected to have a relatively small impact on $APT tokens.

Other notable tokens (value > $100 million):

🔸 $OP (30/6) unlocked ~$77.7M (+2.9% supply)

🔸 $STRK (15/6) unlocked ~$76.1M (+5.6% supply)

🔸 $DYDX (1/6) unlocked ~$66.6M (+11.9% supply)

🔸 $Sui (1/6) unlocks ~$66.1M (+2.8% supply) and more….


✏️ $IMX and $1inch are almost fully circulated with ~75% of tokens vested. This means volatility from token unlocking is likely to be lower.

✏️ $dydx and $ID have relatively high unlock percentages this month. A large portion of these unlocks went to private groups (team, investors, marketing, etc.). Therefore, please be cautious when trading this month.

✏️ $ENA unlocking schedule is still in early stages. But the first major cliff unlock for private groups is April 2025, which is still 10 months away. So there is no big concern about token unlocking in the short term.