At present
Dominance appears to be retesting the rising wedge that was broken in the first image.

The scenario is as follows

📌If the wedge retests, gets retest confirmation and continues to fall, it could be the start of a bottoming bull run.
📌Since it has not been confirmed by the retest, it has entered the wedge again, that is, this decline is still a fake, and it has risen to the downtrend since 2017, and it has been rejected from there, and it has started to fall, and the bull market will be from the bottom, which I think will be healthier. Because when it starts to fall without touching the downtrend, people are always worried about whether it will rise again to touch the trend.
✍️So anyway, I think the alternative bull season is now very close.

So are we ready?
📍So, are these baskets ready for long-term use?
📍Or is the short-term balance ready?
📍Or is the bull market strategy ready?
Because if one of them is not ready, even if that bull comes, the next thing you know, before you have properly earned anything, the bear season has already begun.

(Token Analysis)


BTC is correcting itself after a triangle breakout.
This correction could see a retest, suggesting around 67.2-67.5K levels.
But I would also like to add that as long as this triangle remains above its resistance, even if it retests it will still target the 74K level.


At present.
It's already stuck tight.
A breakout to the upside could trigger a sharp rally.
With a possible rise, it will target the levels I mentioned in the chart.
Keep a close eye on it.


At present.
After a long retest, he raised his head slightly.
If the uptrend continues, the intermediate and major resistance levels shown on the chart can be followed to profit from it.


At present
It created a pennant pattern image in the daily chart and corrected after the upward movement where we achieved 95% of the profit.
If the pennant breaks out to the upside, it will target the levels that I have mentioned in the chart.
Now should follow up.


At present
The market closed down on that day.
BTC cannot go up as it pulls the market down but the chart is still not broken and still looks good.
If BTC allows and starts to rise, its target levels will be the ones I specified in the chart.