1. Positive EV. Texas Hold'em, like investment, is a science of probability. The reason why some people are good at Texas Hold'em is because of high-quality decision-making. If the quality of your attention is higher than that of your opponent every time, you can naturally defeat your opponent. So the formula for profit is: profit = + EV + a large number of repeated shots.

Second, position, short-sightedness, the efforts of winners in good positions and bad positions are completely different. If you realize this in investment, the winner will fail. Position Singapore, such as China, industry position, what you can do, score, or ask about your income, a lot of fairness.

3. Range. Basically, this determines what kind of starter players we are. In fact, in investment, most people want to win, and they should become tight players. That is, you need to find a position that suits your high winning rate. To become an elite. Everyone envies loose-aggressive players, but the difference between a good loose-aggressive player and a tight-aggressive player is not one or two times the skill. This is like you can play well at level 1, level 2, local dog, and hair-pulling. This is a very small number of players.

4. Decision-making quality: ordinary people fear the consequences, while Bodhisattvas fear the causes.
What a good poker player is really afraid of is that the reasons for making this decision are sufficient. He is worried that his thinking range is not wide enough and his adaptability is not strong enough. He is not afraid of the result. The result is just a probability. Even the smallest probability can be used. This is exactly the same in investment. Whether you get the result is determined by the quality of your decision at the key opportunity. His decision needs to be more demanding, but he should be calm. A good decision essentially depends on our thinking mode, because most people make decisions subconsciously and inertially. This is everyone's weakness. If you can realize this, you can play well.

5. Mentality management. We often see that people at the poker table are killed by the turn and river cards because of the high odds of winning. When facing the mentality directly, people tend to attribute this problem to good luck, which leads to distorted actions, and the quality of decision-making will be greatly reduced later. If you truly understand the quality of decision-making, your outlook on life will get better and better, and you will know that you should spend time studying why this information was not considered when making decisions. Instead of being blindly affected by the emotions of the results, emotions are all fake, not fake, but they can change something.