If the ETH spot ETF is approved, what impact will it have on the market?

It will definitely have more positive impacts, which is good news. Especially after the ETH spot ETF is approved, it means that there is no so-called POS Token that cannot pass the approval of the spot ETF. In fact, it has nothing to do with POS itself, but the approval of ETH will give the market more ideas and will definitely inject more funds. For ETH itself, you can refer to the trend of BTC, and there will not be a big difference.

ETH and BTC are two different products. BTC is more inclined to payment and collectibles, while ETH is more inclined to infrastructure. Compared with US stocks, BTC is like S&P and ETH is like Nasdaq. There is no conflict in itself, and there will be no so-called blood sucking. And competition is the best way to develop the market. But it is undeniable that when the ETH spot ETF is just approved, there will be many speculators who make short-term profits, especially those who do BTC short-term trading.

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