May 28 Crypto Market Option Volatility Research Report

ETFs continue to have net inflows, and option implied volatility is bullish. Will there be a big one?

Option head Dex Synquote: BTC and ETH have small spreads, Q3 will issue coins, and trading will earn you rewards

I. Core view

1- Continue to deploy ETH bullish view unchanged, actively close the position in the near end, and the call spread closing part may be transformed into ratio spread and diagnal spread

2- Deploy ETH bullish strategy in the long end, whether it is Jade Lizard or Bull Difference, continue the pattern, and the players who sell put and deploy with me have already made 50% profit

3- Sol and Ton have recently adjusted sideways, and actively short vol in the long end to reduce the cost of spot holdings. At present, there is still a weekly return of 2-3%;

4- Doge and Kas players can synthesize long positions, specifically doge is more spot-oriented, and Kas is more options-oriented

II. Option block trading

Yesterday's BTC block trading activity was average, with more than 100 positions, all of which were put-end spreads, and bullish BTC spot

buy BTC-26JUL24-60000-P + sell BTC-26JUL24-70000-P

buy BTC-28JUN24-58000-P + sell BTC-28JUN24-62000-P

ETH has been trading actively recently, and the bulk layout is the mid-June bull spread strategy. I am very confident that it will surge recently, and it is worth noting that the position is 4000-6000

sell ETH-14JUN24-4600-C + buy ETH-7JUN24-4100-C

buy ETH-14JUN24-4000-C + sell ETH-14JUN24-5000-C

Sol sees the planet

III. Macro market

The US stock market was closed yesterday. We will analyze it tomorrow. The strategies of several core targets remain unchanged. However, this business trip has some new inspirations. I will continue to improve the Tesla trading strategy (share it with you in the small class later)

Yesterday's A 2.7 billion inflows from the North indicate that today's rebound has nothing to do with foreign capital. Last week, billions of dollars flowed out, and now a few billion have flowed in. The recent pricing of A-shares is based on "people from the same group taking advantage of each other".

Yesterday, Shanghai's real estate optimization policy came again, although this policy can no longer change the overall pattern of real estate. But being able to stabilize is already the biggest support for the future economy of this sector.

Looking into the future, although the possibility of real estate rising is small, it is highly likely to be stable. The valuations of related sectors that have been dragged down by the decline of real estate in the past few years will be repaired, and these sectors are all large blue chips.