I would like to share a few principles for playing memes, hoping to help more partners get a taste of the big meat in this round of the currency circle.

Principle 1️⃣: Invest in batches and build positions, don't wait to buy at the bottom.

You need to know the characteristics of the dog. In the currency circle, the dog coin is an amplifier of market sentiment. It is praised to the sky when it rises and trampled to the bottom when it falls.

If you want to wait for it to fall to a certain level and then buy at the bottom, the probability is that you will either not be able to catch it or buy it halfway up the mountain. So, if you play the dog, you can do it slowly.

Principle 2️⃣: Hold on to the second half of the bull market

Many people may have made money on the dog, and have already run away at 50 points or 60 points, and then say that they broke their thighs. If you don't believe it, ask how many people who bought Pepe at a low price and sold it before this round of rise? Because 9 out of 10 people who play the dog think that this thing has no value, and running away after making money is the kingly way.

As everyone knows, valuable projects in the cryptocurrency circle are not easy to rise, because the distribution of chips is obviously unfair. To put it bluntly, low-cost or 0-cost chips are in the hands of the "dealer", waiting for you to take over and sell them. How can retail investors like us afford it?

But Tugou is different. The fully circulated chips are distributed fairly, which makes it easier to promote. Therefore, if you can hold on to the big bull, or the second half of the bull market, the income can usually beat the big cake Ethereum

Of course! What I mean is - get to the second half of the bull market. The so-called second half can be more specific. When the big cake breaks through the previous high and doubles, you must retreat at that time, otherwise you will eventually return to where you came from

Principle 3️⃣: Don't add leverage on it

The reason why Tugou has a very exaggerated increase is not all from how many people took over the spot, but more from most of the empty-handed people and gamblers, who add leverage on it crazily

Principle 4️⃣: One-shot deal, once you start selling, sell it out one after another, and don't chase it after selling!

It is very normal for Tugou to sell and sell it fast! If you don't sell at a loss, you will never get out. Whether you make 50 points and run out and miss out, or double or triple and run out and miss out, you should not chase it anymore. If you chase it, there is a high probability that the profit will be vomited back, really. Follow Tianmeng, Junyangli publishes market analysis every day, and recommends high-quality potential currencies #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH