The collective risk awareness of the cryptocurrency circle is that they only look at the rise and ignore the fall; they would rather lose money than miss it.

This is where the most high-risk gamblers gather. It’s okay for the shitty copycat to call wrong 10,000 times, but it’s like killing one’s parents to tell someone to sell once.

Those who open contracts every day and rush to copycats, ask yourself: Have you outperformed BTC?

See the picture below: I’ll tell you what a strong rise is, not BTC/copycat! This straight line Vol=11% is less than 1/3 of BTC.

Send a strategy: 2yr SP500 ATM call costs about 12% or 6% per year (pricing @IV= 14%), and now buying a DB note is close to 6% a year. It’s almost possible to only rise and not fall, and buy SP500 without risk. Of course, this is just a holding strategy suitable for retail investors. If I trade, I will buy OTM put black swan option.

I couldn’t understand it when I saw someone buying a one-month BTC call a few days ago. Do you know that the cost is (time)^1/2 x IV? It’s 15 times more expensive than the above, do you understand?

Students who go in and out every day, insert pins here and build positions there, can open their eyes and see the world. The BTC that has increased 100 times in a few years will never come back, and there will never be a copycat trend of 100 times (it is easy to increase, but difficult to keep it for a long time)

Just like the traditional market: Old Shanghainese, don't always live in the era of buying subscription certificates to make a fortune. If you continue to speculate blindly, the money you make with your eyes closed will be seriously lost

As I said, investment should first consider not dying, then making money, and then consider how much to make

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, pay attention to Tianmeng, which publishes market analysis and recommends high-quality potential currencies every day.

#ETH #5月市场关键事件 #山寨币热点 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析