【Freeze your card】Three situations when the uncle comes to your door. How to deal with them respectively?

Regarding the freeze of your card, how do we deal with the three situations when the uncle comes to your door respectively. (Recommend to follow and collect)

The uncle calls and asks you to go over.

The local uncle comes to take you.

The uncle from another place comes to take you.

1) Let’s talk about the situation where the uncle calls and asks you to go over:

In fact, this kind of local police station asks you to go over, usually because you have had transactions with risky accounts, anti-fraud warning, and it’s not a big deal.

The uncle contacts you for the reason of “warning you to be careful of being cheated”. For this kind of situation, you must not refuse to answer the phone and lie down, otherwise the uncle will call your family, and your family will be scared.

The correct way is not to panic, first confirm the meeting time with the uncle on the phone. If you are at work, you can wait until after get off work, or the next day. If you are temporarily inconvenient in other places, you should communicate with the uncle on the phone to see if you can go after returning home.

In some places, the uncle only tells you on the phone not to trust strangers, not to transfer money, and not to ask for a meeting. If you ask for a meeting, prove that you have made multiple or large transfers to the "risk account".

Before going, let's think about what we have done?

Have you registered illegal software with real name, gambled online, traded in cryptocurrencies and sold U, etc.

Bring your ID card and go to the police station. The uncle will ask you to explain why you transferred a certain amount of money to others? Have you been cheated? The uncle may check your phone.

For this transfer behavior, you must tell the truth and not lie. If the uncle finds out that you trade in cryptocurrencies, he may ask you to delete the software for trading cryptocurrencies. If you play online gambling, you may be verbally educated and admonished.

If the uncle scares you and pursues you for these, you cry, kneel down and cry. 99.8% of the uncles will let you go.

The latter will ask you to write a letter of guarantee, a letter of commitment, etc., promising not to transfer to the scammer's account, and promise not to engage in illegal transactions such as online gambling.

Some uncles will simply tell you not to transfer money randomly, not to swipe orders, run points, or do online financial management... verbal warnings.

Uncle is very busy! Meeting with you is an internal regulation. If you trade with a risk account, uncle must meet with you within 48 hours. It is his duty.

Again, the reason you are asked to come over is to "warn you to be careful of being cheated", which has nothing to do with other things, so don't be afraid.

2) The local uncle comes to take you, which is a bit serious.

After the card is frozen, the local uncle comes to arrest you because you received the funds involved in the case, and the card is involved in the case at the first level. The local uncle received a "cooperative investigation letter" from the uncle in another place, asking you to explain the situation.

In this case, you are a suspect involved in the case, so you must give up resistance and cooperate obediently.

Whether you are at home or at work, the uncle will come to find you. Generally, two or three uncles will bring handcuffs, and some will record videos, collect your mobile phone and computer, and take you to the police station to take a statement.

Contents of the statement: Who are you, how many people are there, what job, work experience, how many cards do you have, where are they? What did you do with a certain card? If you are a cryptocurrency trader, what coins did you trade? Did you make a loss or a profit? If you are an online gambler, where did you gamble online, and did you make a loss or a profit? Who led you to do it...

Note that the content of this record must be consistent with your actual situation. If you find that it is not what you said, you can ask the uncle to modify it immediately.

If you do not write this record well, you may really go to jail.

Answer whatever the uncle asks you, yes or no, know or don't know, don't give an extended answer. Learn to shut up!

If the cardholder is involved in the case at the first level, some uncles will simply verify whether the cardholder buys and sells bank cards, whether he knows the victim, whether he has cheated, and whether he is subjectively aware. After eliminating suspicion, they will let the cardholder go home.

This mainly depends on how the victim was cheated and how he called the police?

For example, the victim went to a certain exchange to buy coins, his coins were cheated, and he called the police and said that the money was transferred to you. The uncle who handles the case has handled such cases and will know that the victim and the cardholder do not know each other. It is just a simple exchange to buy and sell coins, so the cardholder will not be contacted.

For example, if the victim is defrauded by online financial management, phone calls, etc., and the money is directly transferred to the cardholder, then the cardholder is suspected of embezzlement or fraud, and the uncle will call the cardholder directly, or the local uncle will visit the cardholder directly.

And some uncles will delve into the matter of you "receiving the funds involved in the case".

Even if you can prove that you do not know the victim and did not cheat, the uncle will still investigate whether you have other illegal behaviors.

For example, buying and selling U at abnormal prices, buying and selling U on black and gray platforms, X money, online gambling and other behaviors.

How to save yourself? ! Take the initiative to offer to return the funds involved in the case. Then you cry, kneel down and cry.

I hope the uncle will only pursue your "involved in electronic fraud" and not other illegal behaviors.

In this case, if you can't get out that night, you will most likely be punished; if you can't get out after 37 days, you will basically be sentenced to actual imprisonment.

3) The nature of the uncle from another place coming to arrest you is completely different from that of the uncle from the local place.

It can be basically determined that you have violated the law, are directly involved in the case, and the funds involved are huge, otherwise you will not be arrested across provinces.

The uncle is very busy, the department has limited manpower, and it takes money to go out. It is not worth the uncle to go out for a small role. Unless the victim has been cheated of a lot of money and comes to the station every day to make a fuss, the uncle is under pressure and has to chase the funds.

The uncle from another place usually negotiates with the local uncle to arrest people. If the cardholder has an "acquaintance", it can also be intercepted, provided that the cardholder is implicated, has not directly deceived people, and has received the funds involved in the case without knowing it, and can explain it clearly.

Through refunding, you can get out on bail (lucky). If you are taken away by the uncle from another place, you will be punished even if you are not sentenced, even if you "accidentally" received the funds involved in the case.

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