It cannot detonate your assets, it can only induce you to take over.

The recent exchange rate trends have been a bit strange, and there should be something behind them that we cannot see.

Let me first look at the reports of a few things, and then connect them, maybe it will make some sense.

1. RMB appreciates sharply

2. Hype the Fed to stop raising interest rates and even give a specific timetable for cutting interest rates next year.

3. Economic data in Europe and the United States are surprisingly good

4. European and American stock markets are likely to hit new highs

5. We are preventing the market from plummeting and the national team entering the market.

6. European and American funds have withdrawn from our market, but there are substantial purchases of ETF funds.

Do you see any logic?

The following personal opinions, please pay attention to discuss

The fundamental purpose is to deceive our capital to take over the deal, and then take the opportunity to buy our assets at the bottom and complete the harvest.

First, economic data was used to highlight the rapid recovery of the U.S. economy, which curbed inflation and stopped raising interest rates, or even lowered interest rates, causing the U.S. stock market to continue to rise. Second, the European and American economies smashed our market and used various resources to short our market, causing Capital outflows; once again suppressing the exchange rate, allowing the RMB to appreciate, and promoting real capital outflows; finally, the fact that domestic capital has taken over the US market has emerged, and their capital will take the opportunity to buy the domestic market at the bottom.

A perfect closed loop.

The world is in danger, and the Federal Reserve is determined not to give up!
