$FIL A brother asked if he regretted holding FIL for so many years? Actually, I want to say that people cannot defeat time, but people's actions can stand above time and remain in our hearts. If we can go back to the day of 240U, maybe we will still hold on firmly and move forward. This is the madness of faith!

Is the project in decline? Weak? Disorganized? No, there are still countless people looking forward to the return of the king!

Is it impossible to reappear at the peak? That's because you haven't seen the appearance of youth, the unruly look and the proud spirit of everything! I hope that the brothers who are still holding can no longer be depressed, leaving them with the most private happiness! #FILUSDT #FIL💰智能多空策略 #Filecoin现在买入,稍后你会感谢我的 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #FIL.24小时交易策略