Since Xiaoying reminded his colleagues to be careful before the plunge, he has not said a word so far. Why did it fall so quickly? This should be the most puzzling part for all participants. The main problem is that there are differences in the capital pool, that is, there are differences in the amount and ratio of new capital. Secondly, the mouse effect of some projects has caused losses to participants and also affected the killing of high-quality projects. When market sentiment is unstable, many people lose their reason and increase their positions, thinking that they can win a rebound, but in fact they often fall into a vicious circle.

Does the token represent part of the ownership of the project? Do you have the right to share the project's income and dividends? Do you have the decision-making power? Can the profit be used for token repurchase and destruction? I think these problems need to be solved slowly by projects to change the current behavior of unlimited plundering by the project party.

When the mud and sand are mixed together, the gold sand will also be buried. Waiting for an opportunity and aiming at the layout of high-quality assets is a countermeasure.

#Uniswp #投资理念