Could your crypto investment grow more than 10x in the next 6 months thanks to this year's fiercest competition?

In recent months, Donald Trump has been bullish on crypto. Thanks to that, he not only received support from the web3 community, but also received a huge amount of "Lobby Money" from crypto companies/funds to run for President of the United States.

Current President Joe Biden used to be unfriendly towards Crypto. But when he saw Trump continuously receiving support from voters, Biden changed his attitude towards Crypto. In the latest move, Biden did not veto the FIT21 law.

The FIT21 Act classifies digital assets, does not equate Tokens with Securities. If the FIT21 Act is passed, the SEC will not have jurisdiction over the majority of crypto market tokens, and will therefore not be able to adversely affect the development of Blockchain projects.

In November 2024, the official vote for the position of President of the United States will take place and the next 6 months will be the most difficult election period. Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump want to do everything they can to attract as many supporters as possible, including the web3 community.

With crypto promises, policies and support from both Trump and Biden, the crypto market has the potential to increase in price very strongly in the next 6 months. This also attracts a large number of new investors who will enter this market with huge cash flows.

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