The US election is approaching, and presidential candidates need the support of new-age voters. There are already many cryptocurrency holders, and they will need the votes of this group of people.

So the meme coin track should be focused on next.

The memes that Americans can play, or the coins that many Americans have accepted and held

$PEPE $PEOPLE both meet these two conditions

There are too many public chains now, and many chains with good market value actually have little transaction volume. In my opinion, this is not proportional to the market value. If it is put into traditional finance, it may have collapsed long ago, but after all, the concept of meme still exists in the blockchain. Even if this coin has no use, it can still have a very high market value. So if you think about it this way, it is not impossible to understand those public chains with no transaction volume. You can probably treat it as a meme, and you have to thank the project party for holding the plate.

But social and games need a high-performance public chain. Now social and games are difficult to come out. A large part of the reason is that the on-chain processing speed is too slow, and the development of blockchain requires social and games to expand the user group. This is also an important reason why I am optimistic about SUI. A truly high-performance public chain will definitely break through the siege.

If you want to know more about the currency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, please follow Tianmeng. Junyangli publishes market analysis and recommends high-quality potential currencies every day.

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