The Chinese government announced a total ban on Bitcoin trading in September 2021, with the following main reasons:

Binance Chinese registration:

Binance International Registration:

💕Financial Risk: Bitcoin is a highly speculative virtual currency with large price fluctuations, which can easily lead to financial risks. The Chinese government believes that Bitcoin transactions are easily manipulated and may cause investors to suffer losses.

💕Money Laundering and Illegal Financing: Bitcoin's anonymity makes it a tool for money laundering and illegal financing. The Chinese government believes that Bitcoin transactions may facilitate criminal activities. $BTC $BNB $USDC

💕Capital Outflow: Bitcoin transactions can be conducted over the Internet and are not subject to national foreign exchange controls. The Chinese government believes that Bitcoin transactions may lead to capital outflows.

💕Financial stability: The Chinese government is vigorously developing the digital RMB and positioning it as the core of China's future financial system. The emergence of Bitcoin may hinder the promotion of the digital RMB.

🪭🪭The purpose of the Chinese government's ban on Bitcoin transactions is to maintain financial stability, protect investors' rights and interests, and prevent financial risks.

Here is some additional information about the Chinese government's ban on Bitcoin transactions:

🪭The Chinese government's ban covers all aspects of Bitcoin transactions, including trading, mining, and ICO.

🪭The Chinese government has taken a series of measures to crack down on Bitcoin transactions, including closing Bitcoin exchanges, banning Bitcoin mining activities, and freezing Bitcoin accounts.

🪭The Chinese government's ban has had a significant impact on the global Bitcoin market, causing Bitcoin prices to fall sharply.

Despite the Chinese government's ban on Bitcoin transactions, Bitcoin still has a certain market size in China. Some people trade Bitcoin through overseas trading platforms, and some people engage in underground Bitcoin transactions.