Steps to safely register a Binance account

1. Visit the official registration page:

• Binance Chinese registration page:

• Binance international registration page:

2. Fill in basic information:

• Email address: Provide a valid email address to receive verification emails and notifications.

• Login password: Set a strong password that contains letters, numbers, and special characters.

• Referral code: Use referral code OFU67AVX to get rebates.

3. Complete email verification:

• Check your mailbox, find the verification email sent by Binance, and click the link to complete the verification.

4. Set up account security:

• After logging into your account, go to the security settings page.

• Enable advanced security features such as two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect your account.

5. Complete Identity Verification (KYC):

• Upload your identity documents according to the platform instructions and complete the KYC process to increase account security.

6. Fund Deposit:

• After completing the account setup, deposit funds through supported payment methods to start trading and investing.