Once upon a time, Polkadot, which was the focus of everyone's attention, has come to a crossroads. Once upon a time, it was favored by developers, but now it is a little panicked. Recently, it seems to have become a little calm and a little overwhelmed under the good news. It is said that if it does not explode in silence, it will die in silence. The ETH chain rebounded strongly and has a great potential to lead. The Eagle has seen a high position in the short term. Strong medicine can only cure the symptoms, and it still needs a steady flow of funds.

The weak individuals in the DOT sector are difficult to be strong. When other mainstream currencies soared, DOT became a value depression. I hope that DOT can become a beast in the steel torrent and stand at the forefront!

#dot2.0 #DOT.智能策略库🥇🥇 #DOT.24小时交易策略