Lao Cui talks about coins: Late night pull, will Ethereum be listed soon?

On the military level, I would like to remind everyone not to speculate too much about Iran. Without so many conspiracy theories, they cannot affect the trend of the entire military. It will indeed have a certain impact on the financial market, but the impact on the currency circle is minimal. You can pay attention to the energy aspect. The second problem is the domestic financial trend. The previous articles mentioned the domestic rigid demand price increase wave. Many friends are extremely extreme. They only look at the surface data and have not thought about this issue in depth. First of all, a large amount of funds will definitely flow out of the housing market. With the advent of the price reduction wave, a closed loop of one rising and the other falling will be formed. If the house price falls, then there will definitely be other rigid demand price increases. The scale of this control is very subtle. Blindly pursuing house price reduction may not be a good thing. As for the domestic capital flow, it is also very obvious now. These are not to discuss the government. You can look at the national debt for the next fifty years (cautious). It is not recommended that you start. There is no personal suggestion or opinion. Think more.

As for the trend in the later period, this is also the most troublesome part for Lao Cui. Just now, a wave of predictions predicted that the approval rate of Ethereum listing in this round reached 75%. Ethereum directly soared and aimed at 3500. Through this fluctuation, + author shi9527111, everyone can also see some clues. Foreigners often release some unexpected surprises when we are sleeping soundly. The same is true for the listing of Bitcoin. For the future market, it is to focus on observing the speeches in the later period. As long as there is no rumor refutation in the near future, the currency circle will still maintain a growth trend in everyone's perspective in the short term. You must pay attention to today's news level. Judging from the current market trend, the probability of Ethereum passing may be greater.