BTC is only 5% away from the 70,000 mark‼ ️Can it break through smoothly‼ ️A large number of leading stocks on BTC are trapped, and a large number of shorts on ETH are entering the market‼ ️The market of short positions may appear‼ ️

I told you before that after we successfully predicted that a room would fall from 4086 to 2888, I told you that almost all the market conditions last month were cultivating shorts. To put it bluntly, the long positions have been blown up and can't be blown up, and it's time to blow up the shorts‼ ️

Because in the previous plunge, Bitcoin fell from 74,000 to a minimum of 18,000, and ETH fell from 4086 to a minimum of 2788. During the whole process, we led everyone to eat all the market conditions in the two months of the plunge. After the plunge is over‼ ️I told you that it is basically time to repair the market. It can be seen that from April 15th to May 15th, all the market conditions basically rebounded and then fell, which is what I told you about cultivating shorts. Then the market conditions of short positions may appear next, because there are enough airdrops cultivated, and if I may be frank, in the first half of the month, all those who did not use stop loss before shorting almost made steady profits. So these people who shorted without stop loss in the future may be the key hunting targets. One-sidedness will definitely go, and the market will never fluctuate around the same price. It will definitely come out on the same day. So these people who used to not use stop loss in small fluctuations before. Those who snatched food from the tiger's mouth may have to pay a heavy price in this wave of market. Then, as for the suggestions we give to everyone, you can see that before CPI, we have already suggested that everyone enter the market with more orders at 2880 Ethereum, so as to successfully win this round of surge. Yesterday, we reminded everyone again to enter the market with more orders at 3058 Ethereum for fear that everyone has not yet boarded the train. The lowest price fell to 3049, which also helped everyone to successfully win this round of surge. 🤑🤑

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