1. Within $100,000:

Learn more, do more, brush airdrops, brush whitelists, find potential projects, and improve capital utilization.

2. $100,000 - $1 million:

Don't leverage currency speculation, don't play contracts, find your own currency standard, get chips at a low price, and find your own ten-fold currency.

3. $1 million - $10 million:

Don't short, flexibly use low-leverage DeFi lending protocols, observe more, arbitrage more, adhere to the currency standard, pursue the growth of the currency standard, and obtain stable cash flow through arbitrage, Staking, etc.

4. $10 million - $100 million:

Improve life, read more, exercise more, change cognition and circle, hold core assets, don't step on big pits, pursue low-risk stable appreciation and good cash flow, don't play contracts, don't start a business, pay attention to avoid pitfalls, maintain a certain currency standard assets and stable currency assets, and take part of the assets to invest in the track you are optimistic about.

Summarize Shenyu's life trajectory in the blockchain industry

1. For a period of time, he opened his eyes every day and saw that there were millions of extra in his account. He checked Zhihu and found that there was 100 million. He was very confused and didn't know how to deal with it. He was 23 years old that year.

2. Talk about the year-on-year fluctuations of Bitcoin in recent years, price ranges, group members jumping off buildings, group members eating steamed buns to buy Bitcoin, and some stories in the industry.

3. At the beginning of 2016, he sold 100,000 Ethereums for 20 yuan and made more than 2 million. He was very excited, and his family was also excited. But later Ethereum rose to 12,000 per ether. So theoretically, the loss was about 2 billion.

4. In 2011, Shenyu, a sophomore, first came into contact with Bitcoin. He was very excited and didn't go to class and stayed in the dormitory. In 2011, Bitcoin rose from one dollar to thirty dollars. Shenyu made one million in a year. In 2013, Shenyu, a first-year graduate student, dropped out of school to establish China's first Bitcoin mining pool-f2ppool.

5. The first time he withdrew cash, his family had misunderstandings and confusions about what Shenyu did, including himself who was about to graduate, and his family had already made sufficient arrangements.

At that time, Shenyu didn't know that this would become his career and an important part of his life.

6. In 2013, many friends in the group made a lot of money. They wanted to buy buildings in Guomao, destroy hotels, and then pay compensation, and many other crazy things. In 2013, Bitcoin plummeted, and the industry entered a long cold winter. The mining cost was not enough. A typical example was "Baomao", a top student from the University of Science and Technology of China, who created China's early mining chips. The company made a virtual IPO on the forum, with a volume of about several million bitcoins, but "Baomao" disappeared in 2015.Suddenly disappeared.

7. In 2015, Shenyu was forced to liquidate the company and returned to his hometown. On the last day of liquidation, he called all shareholders, took on most of the losses and deficits, and shipped the machines back to his hometown. He also had doubts and tried to make games for a month, but still returned to the currency circle, preparing his own mine again, and established China's earliest Ethereum mining pool, which once had one-third of the world's Ethereum computing power.

8. In 2017, Shenyu's company was hacked and lost 100 million yuan. In December 2017, Bitcoin exceeded 20,000 US dollars, and the cumulative increase was 21 times that year.

Short-term fluctuations may seem like big winds and waves at the time, but in fact, they are just a small wave in a longer time period.

If you don't know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you follow me. Whether it is spot or contract, a slight move may be your limit. The opportunity is very short, so you must seize it! Success is not based on luck, choice is greater than hard work, and the circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a keen eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. If you follow me, you will be halfway successful in the currency circle! Every day

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