!!! Major financial forecasts are coming!!!

!!! Major financial forecasts are coming!!!

Citi Research Company made a shocking statement: The Fed's interest rate cut drama is about to begin!

On July 9, Citi's think tanks made a jaw-dropping prediction - the Fed is about to start a crazy interest rate cut mode, and this cut will last until next summer! 🌞

📉 The analysts have a reason! What did they mention? New signs of economic slowdown! What does this mean? The market may be about to usher in a new wave of adjustments. And what about the Fed? They decided to give the market a "rate cut gift package" every time they hold a meeting starting in September, 25 basis points each time, eight times in a row, until July 2025! 🎁

📊After this wave of interest rate cuts, the benchmark interest rate will drop by 200 basis points, from the current "high" 5.25%-5.5% to the "people-friendly" 3.25%-3.5%! Wow, this is a big move! Moreover, Citi also said that this low interest rate level will remain as stable as an old dog for the rest of 2025, and it will not move! 🐶

🤔So, what impact does this have on ordinary people like us? Well, interest rate cuts usually mean lower borrowing costs and lower savings. This may be good news for friends who want to borrow money to buy a house, a car or do business. However, for friends who have extra money in their hands and want to deposit it in the bank to earn interest, they may have to think more about it.

📢In short, this forecast by Citi has dropped a bombshell on the market! Let's wait and see what the Fed will do next! 🎲#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛