This can effectively prevent the card from being frozen when collecting black money.

(1) For OTC transactions, try to choose large platforms such as Binance and Ouyi. These platforms have good communication channels and risk control measures with mainland regulatory agencies and law enforcement agencies.

(2) Try to choose OTC platforms that support T+1/T+2 withdrawal strategies. Although cash cannot be withdrawn immediately after selling coins, it reduces the risk of suspected money laundering through OTC transactions. For example, trading Binance T+1 and Huobi Yanxuan (compared with free trading and T+2 withdrawal).

(3) Avoid directly using stablecoins such as USDT for OTC transactions, and try to use mainstream currencies such as BTC and ETH for OTC transactions.

(4) The bank card used for OTC transactions must be an independent card and not used for normal use. Therefore, it is separate from the salary card, so that even if it is frozen, it will not affect the use of other funds. Investigation, it is easy to explain the cash flow.

(5) The bank card for OTC transactions should try to use local bank cards, such as urban commercial banks and rural commercial banks in many places. Since large and medium-sized commercial banks and joint-stock banks such as Gongnong Zhongjiazhao have branches all over the country, law enforcement agencies can basically freeze them directly.

(6) Do not conduct regular transactions with ordinary merchants or ordinary users. If the same user makes indirect purchases more than 3 times a day, or sells after a few hours of purchase, it is suspected of money laundering, which is very dangerous.

(7) Find reliable OTC sellers to trade. Try to actively accept orders from large traders and market makers, reduce orders, and avoid merchants in problem areas. In fact, as an ordinary user, it is difficult to distinguish which traders are trustworthy. For example, a large number of friends who deal with Huobi Blue Shield service merchants have also been frozen.

(VIII) Reduce the frequency of withdrawals and increase the amount of cash.

(9) After the OTC transaction is completed, please do not change to your other bank cards to avoid contaminating other funds and causing trouble for cooperating with the investigation. If you are in urgent need of money, you can withdraw cash through an ATM or spend online.

(10) Try to choose weekdays to collect cash. It is best to choose normal working hours such as weekdays to trade, such as 9:00 am to 9:00 pm to withdraw money.

(11) Please do not transfer the payment immediately after receiving the payment.After selling USDT for RMB, do not transfer it out immediately. Keep it in the account for a while.

The above are some measures to avoid being frozen by the bank's risk control. What should you do if your funds are unfortunately frozen?

How can we explain that the card is frozen to prove that we are not involved in money laundering?

(1) Individuals who are engaged in normal Bitcoin transactions and have nothing to do with money laundering and other transactions;

(2) Those who are unaware that the proceeds from the sale of coins are suspected of crimes;

(3) Cooperate and provide all transaction records, chat records, chain transfer records, etc.;

(4) You must be very clear that your digital asset transactions will not violate the law.

In over-the-counter transactions, if the bank card for withdrawing funds is frozen by the police and the judicial system, what documents will the other party ask the individual to provide to unblock it?

The common information provided mainly includes: complete transaction records, such as bank card flow, on-chain transaction records, order records of the trading platform, WeChat chat records (including the content of the communication process) and other evidence that can prove the legitimacy of the transaction. Property, even proof of income, etc.

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