@Everyone  5.20 Monday trend analysis and operation suggestions,

The current price of Bitcoin is 66900 and the price of Ethereum is 3096. The general trend is not much different from last night. Yesterday, we made a short-term prediction that Bitcoin would drop and then sprint. Today, there is a short-term rise, but the overall trend is expected to move out of the trend after the shock. The shock time here is still not enough. It should be next week or the next week before there is a strong momentum to sprint to 73000! Here. The weekly line here has a second high divergence. We basically can’t do much with the spot position before, just hold on. The plan on April 13 now seems to be basically in line with expectations! There is no expectation for the subsequent market after the divergence.

Then the indicators such as Bitcoin macd on the daily line have also come above the 0 axis. It is currently in the accumulation stage. Short-term operations continue to be mainly low-multiple, and try to keep the frequency low! Bitcoin's short-term pressure level is 67500 68800 Support level is 66000 64800

Then the trend of Ethereum is only slightly strong, and there is not much independent market. The focus is still on Ethereum√ Bitcoin's exchange rate must return to 0.0485 to be stable! Short-term pressure level 3150 3230 Support level 3060 2985#BTC走势分析 #ETH