@Everyone 7.5 Friday BTC ETH trend analysis and operation suggestions,

Those who bought the spot near 58000 before must have been scared by today's drop. Although the current market is a bit deviated from expectations, it is unreasonable to stop loss for a sharp drop. There will be data tonight, so the market fluctuations tonight may be relatively large. Those with spare positions can pull the average price to be safer. Then everyone should focus on whether there is a bullish expectation for the consolidation market after this wave of drop! If not, some positions may be reduced later, leaving more funds to pull the average price, but the blogger thinks there is no need to worry. There will be rises and falls in the market. Buy small when it falls, buy big when it falls, and hold the spot and wait for the future. Then the current bearish trend in the market has stopped falling and entered a 4-hour oscillating market. The second bottom divergence at the daily level has accelerated the decline. The big cake here may have a deep needle before the short position is completely released! However, this expectation still depends on the weekly closing and the trend after short-term oscillation! Bitcoin's short-term pressure level is 55600 56500, and its support level is 54300 53600.

Ether is in a completely synchronized trend today, and its decline is also very sharp. However, the blogger does not have a spot position in Ethereum, so he did not operate much in Ethereum. Here is an analysis of Ethereum's closing on Monday. In terms of operation, pay attention to the short-term pressure level of 3010 3100 and the support level of 2850 2789#BTC走势预测 #ETH投资 #德国政府转移比特币