@Everyone July 10th Bitcoin Ethereum trend analysis and operation suggestions.

The current price of Bitcoin is 57900. The current price of Ethereum is 3072. We mentioned earlier that the price of Bitcoin continues to fluctuate at a low level. But here on the daily line, there is already a trend of bottoming out. The daily line has appeared two consecutive positives, and today's daily line has already had a downward correction, and then it has recovered. If the 4-hour closing line is closed at 58000, today's daily line may break through 58500 and reach around 59800 to touch the 4-hour EMA99. The weekly trend has not exceeded one-third of the previous downward trend line, so we will not make an analysis and prediction. We will see more whether there is a bottoming force in the short term! I asked everyone to cover their positions and pull the average price before, and we must hold our positions! I have reminded everyone many times that even if the decline here is limited, we must hold enough positions if it rises! The short-term pressure level of Bitcoin is 59800 60500 and the support level is 57100 55400. The daily line has basically stabilized. It needs time to accumulate strength before the next move. Small coins should have corresponding rebound needs.

The recent trend of Ethereum has been completely synchronized with Bitcoin, so we can predict that the subsequent efforts or the last wave of downward exploration should be in the near future! Therefore, contract players must take profits in the shock, set a stop loss, and don't make mistakes! Ethereum's short-term pressure level is 3120 3220 and the support level is 3010 2900#BTC下跌分析 #美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛