Two accounts suspected of maliciously smearing and taking advantage of traffic and spreading rumors about the chief team, @KOL狙击手 @币圈笑话收藏集

Both were blocked by the Binance security team🙏Thanks to Binance for upholding justice for us‼ ️Severely crack down on this group that maliciously blackmails and extorts KOLs by smearing and spreading rumors🙏I warn again that there are still those who want to profit from the traffic by smearing the chief team, the chief team will maintain a zero-tolerance attitude‼ ️Our hard work and selfless dedication will not allow anyone to maliciously smear and spread rumors, and rumor makers will pay the price🩸

In addition, the chief team also made it clear to everyone again that we will provide the most professional and accurate market analysis and trading teaching to all Binance users every day in Binance Square for free and selflessly‼ ️We are selfless and accurate in everything. We have predicted and analyzed all the market trends for three consecutive months. We have given you the entry points and market trend directions down to the single digit. All the analysis is released publicly and for free. You can click this link to view: 3到5月所有提前分析马前炮精准到个位数预判文章汇总,点击此处查看

Thank you Binance, thank you everyone. We will continue to provide you with high-quality content on Binance. Please support Binance🙏

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