Spot players in the two sectors of fans and chain games can enter the market in batches

The decline of the chain game sector is relatively large. YGG will be unlocked in 8 days. Seize this opportunity and buy tickets before unlocking to occupy a position. This coin will definitely be on the list of gains every time the sector rotates!

Gala will be unlocked in two months. At present, it will not be smashed until the rotation is completed, but the circulation is almost 90%, so high circulation means low control.

The decline of fan coins is a little bit, not too much. The stock price below CHZ0.12 is very cost-effective. The basic spot can be assured to go all-in at 0.1. If I don’t help you pull 50 points, you will scold me for being stupid.

OG is currently at the bottom of the weekly level. The wash time has been 2 months. The price of 4.3 is not bad. The daily line is also 3 needles to build a bottom, which should be a concrete bottom!

Next, I will update the relevant information of these two sectors for you every day, and follow up to discuss!