Today is May 19th. I would like to remind you that this day is worth noting. It will be more volatile than usual, and there will be a little panic, but according to the style of the dog dealer, it is highly likely that the market will not fall too much today, but it is easier to insert needles upward. When editing, the big cake came to a little below 67,000.

This is a rather awkward position, both up and down. As mentioned in the previous article, there are at least three months before the interest rate cut. It is expected that there will be a monthly level rise before the interest rate cut. The big cake is likely to break 8 or even higher.

But in terms of time, there is still time to control the market. For the future market, we must take one step at a time. It should be noted that: First, don’t wait for 519 to fall much, the possibility is small. Generally, in the currency circle, as long as you cut the boat to find the sword, it is probably wrong.

Second, if the short-term sideways time is long enough, it is more likely to go up.

To learn more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, pay attention to Tianmeng, Junyangli publishes market analysis every day, and recommends high-quality potential currencies.

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