Recently, a lot of short liquidity has accumulated above the price, but it just won't be liquidated. The continuous supply of spot is so disgusting. The previous market that focused on liquidity fixed-point liquidation and drew gates back and forth seems to have to wait a while. Wait for the spot market selling pressure to end first, and maybe there will be a big positive line that explodes quickly.

The last point is also a bit strange. When the current trend is above 60,000, the funding rate has long been negative, but until now, the funding rate has only fluctuated around 0. It seems that the bulls have also developed a spirit of not admitting defeat;

"Go long! Loss!"

"Go long again! Loss again!"

"Go long again and again! There will always be a time to copy the bottom!"

This emotion is actually not good. Now the market is increasingly inclined to disorder. It will be much easier to turn to the right side of the transaction appropriately. At least it is not too late to wait for a small range to form and confirm the breakthrough before doing it.

Because right-side traders have been tortured by the door-drawing market in the past month, many people have turned to left-side short-term trading. Generally, at this time, it is easy to have a small trend. After all, if the right side loses too many times, it is time to lose on the left side.

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