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In our small group of cryptocurrency traders this morning, the single female colleague I mentioned last time didn’t trade in cryptocurrency much. Recently, her parents often urged her to do so. She went out for a blind date yesterday. She also shared the blind date process. I summarized it and posted it for everyone to see. She said: Boys are becoming more and more stingy now, and it is normal for them to be reluctant to pay. She met a young man yesterday at noon. Born in 1992, 32 years old this year, working in a large state-owned enterprise, with an annual salary of between 150,000 and 200,000. So far, he has 0 savings, no house, and no car. They chatted about the man’s ex-girlfriend, a girl born in 1995. The two had been dating for more than 6 years. When the girl was a senior, she started dating him and broke up until the end of last year. The girl, like him, is a native of a small county town. After graduating from college, the girl went to a private school to be a teacher at first, but because the work was hard, the girl resigned and then prepared for the civil service exam full-time, and took the exam for 4 years. She passed the exam last year. During these 4 years, the two of them lived together, and all the expenses were paid by the man. Although this boy has an annual income of 150,000 to 200,000 yuan, he has no money saved after the expenses of two people. The rent is more than 40,000 yuan a year. The two of them have to eat out occasionally, and the annual food costs more than 50,000 yuan. Then the girl's skin care products, clothes, etc. are all paid by the boy. It means that they spend all their money every year. Then the girl passed the civil service exam last year, and then dumped the boy at the end of the year. Then she found a man who was born in 1989 and had a house in the provincial capital. The reason for her breakup was that she felt that the boy was not good, had no house, and no savings. She was 29 years old and needed a capable man. Haha We suggested that she introduce the boy to the cryptocurrency circle to speculate in cryptocurrencies #BTC走势分析 $BTC

In our small group of cryptocurrency traders this morning, the single female colleague I mentioned last time didn’t trade in cryptocurrency much. Recently, her parents often urged her to do so. She went out for a blind date yesterday. She also shared the blind date process. I summarized it and posted it for everyone to see. She said: Boys are becoming more and more stingy now, and it is normal for them to be reluctant to pay. She met a young man yesterday at noon. Born in 1992, 32 years old this year, working in a large state-owned enterprise, with an annual salary of between 150,000 and 200,000. So far, he has 0 savings, no house, and no car. They chatted about the man’s ex-girlfriend, a girl born in 1995. The two had been dating for more than 6 years. When the girl was a senior, she started dating him and broke up until the end of last year. The girl, like him, is a native of a small county town. After graduating from college, the girl went to a private school to be a teacher at first, but because the work was hard, the girl resigned and then prepared for the civil service exam full-time, and took the exam for 4 years. She passed the exam last year. During these 4 years, the two of them lived together, and all the expenses were paid by the man. Although this boy has an annual income of 150,000 to 200,000 yuan, he has no money saved after the expenses of two people.

The rent is more than 40,000 yuan a year.

The two of them have to eat out occasionally, and the annual food costs more than 50,000 yuan.

Then the girl's skin care products, clothes, etc. are all paid by the boy.

It means that they spend all their money every year.

Then the girl passed the civil service exam last year, and then dumped the boy at the end of the year.

Then she found a man who was born in 1989 and had a house in the provincial capital.

The reason for her breakup was that she felt that the boy was not good, had no house, and no savings. She was 29 years old and needed a capable man.

Haha We suggested that she introduce the boy to the cryptocurrency circle to speculate in cryptocurrencies #BTC走势分析 $BTC

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今天行情一起来 各个社群都非常活跃, 我们打掼蛋的群竟然也活跃起来,起哄说你们炒币的都赚钱了吧 带我们小白进场啊(话说这个掼蛋圈子 是web2从业者 和AI从业者、一部分web3从业者)这些人是有一些认知和接受能力的,但是缘分未到就没入币圈。群里的币友开始兴奋起来了,各种指导 、币圈的各种赚钱方式,还有说币圈一天人间一年、一币一嫩模等等各种调侃,群里好不热闹啊 有几个掼友很认真的问起怎么炒币,去哪买币 怎么个操作流程,一个做AI的姐姐是最认真的问各种细节,看来币圈人的CX能力太强了,磁场力、感染力都很到位。 我想作为一个底层的普通人如何去赚一些轻松的钱,那就是炒股炒币,但是这也有很大的风险,稍有不慎就可能把本金也亏进去了(把自己通过劳动辛苦赚的钱 投进去 亏了 确实很难受)所以进入之前一定要搞清楚这个圈子里面的赚钱逻辑和赚钱的方式(不能头脑发热 一头冲进去就用自己的辛苦钱去买一些不清不楚的币),进入币圈肯定要先了解币圈的生存技巧,学习知识,了解撸毛 白撸 在社区互动学习做积极的builder等(这个过程是积累经验和知识,运气好也能积累一些本金) 当经济萧条的时候,赚钱的渠道变少,或是钱不好赚了,大家就会找更多其它的赚钱方式,据说现在炒币人数最多的国家(美国、印度、中国,这三个国家人口基数也大)炒币也是零和博弈,有人赚钱就有人亏钱,除了BTC之外不要对任何币抱有信仰。如果不贪 炒币总体上是赚钱的。$BTC $ETH $SOL
今天是520,一个充满爱意的日子,然而我却感到情绪低落。在这个恋爱的季节,心中却没有一点欲望。很遗憾,我刚刚拒绝了一次美丽的约会。 我坐在窗前,看着外面熙熙攘攘的人群,心中百感交集。或许是因为今天下午那件事或许是因为炒币没赚到大钱的挫败感,我无法找到那种期待和兴奋的感觉。 突然,手机响了,是我的好友珠珠发来的信息。她看到我下午发的信息 特意约我出去走走。我犹豫了一下,但最终还是答应了。 我们约在一家小咖啡馆见面。咖啡馆的氛围温馨而宁静,背景音乐轻柔地流淌着。我点了一杯拿铁,珠珠则要了一杯热绿茶。 “最近怎么样?”珠珠关切地问道。 “还凑合 就是感觉有点累,心情也不太好。”我叹了口气。(我们有差不多三个月没见面 ) “我能理解,有时候生活的压力 有时候你炒币没有控制好欲望 错失良机”珠珠点点头,“不过,你知道吗?有时候我们需要给自己一些时间和空间,去调整心态。” 我们聊了很多 “其实,我觉得你应该试着去接受一些新的事物,或许会有意想不到的惊喜。”珠珠笑着说。 我点点头,心中似乎有了一丝希望。或许,生活并没有我想象的那么糟糕。或许,我需要的只是一个新的开始,一次新的尝试。 离开咖啡馆时,我决定不再沉溺于低落的情绪中,而是尝试去寻找生活中的美好。尽管今天我拒绝了一次美丽的约会,但未来还有很多机会等待着我。 走在回家的路上,夜空中繁星点点,我深吸一口气,感受到了一种久违的轻松和释然。无论如何,明天会是新的一天,我会继续前行,继续寻找属于自己的幸福。$BTC
今天下班,正准备走的时候。被我那炒币的漂亮女同事叫住了 她说 比特东(东哥哥)跟我一块去锻炼身体呗 我心想这没事 还不如去锻炼会身体,还能有她陪伴多好。 我就立马答应 我们一块去了她常去的健身房 她说她一周都没有见到她的健身教练了 正准备去问问呢,刚好碰到一个健身房的工作人员 于是她就跑过去问 她的教练咋回事了 健身房工作人员脸色凝重 把她拉到一个小角落 轻声细语给她说“你的教练心脏出问题了,就在前几天他在健身房活动时打球 一下子不知怎么心肌猝死 被送到医院没抢救过来 ” 听到这个消息 突然不知所措,我们的心情一下子就沉重下来,心情一下子跌到谷底。 这个教练(教练平常身体素质也很好,才30多岁 还单身 )我也认识,每次和我这个炒币的漂亮女同事去 他都会主动打招呼 聊上几句,之前他也知道我在炒币,并从别人口中得知我有一些btc 后来他提议我也找个健身教练,我说等等。这下子再也看不到人了。这就是发生在自己身边的人和事。 今天这个事情给我带来太大冲击,生命如此脆弱,这让我开始思考起来币圈炒币 经常熬夜炒币 熬夜撸羊毛(去年年底有个群说有个撸铭文的炒币人经常熬夜打铭文,结果猝死了,钱还在人没了) 这些习惯肯定是对身体健康不好,而且在赚钱在行情面前已经忽略了熬夜的危害性。炒币呢 赚钱了心情确实非常爽,亏钱了也会很郁闷。 在币圈(如今老OG们都看得非常开)拥有一个好身体拥有一个快乐的心情是非常重要的。我把这些话说给我那炒币的漂亮女同事,她觉得有道理,她也说自己要好好反思一下 要调整一下自己在币圈的状态。 #炒币注意身体

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