The threshold for entering the cryptocurrency circle is actually quite high. Not to mention the funding issue, most apps are not available for download in China. Airplane, Bluebird, VPN, Discord, exchanges, wallets, Google Mail, these are enough to make you spend a lot of time.

Most people enter the cryptocurrency circle to make big money, to make quick money, and very few do so because they understand and then invest in value. Often, such people do not have much capital, or the amount of capital they are willing to invest is not large. As the ancients said, money does not come in a rush. The capital and project parties in the cryptocurrency circle make money from you. There are many cases where 350 million yuan is poured in and it returns to zero in three or five days. If you are willing to lose this money, you might as well call me directly. If you call them, they will laugh at you and call you stupid. If you call me, I will call you big brother.

Getting off topic, let’s talk about how much money is needed.

If you are playing at the second level, you need at least 50,000 yuan, otherwise it will be difficult to make money. It is really difficult to have a full warehouse every time. A set may take several years. If you buy less, you will feel that making three or five hundred yuan is meaningless.

If you are a level 1 player, 10,000 is more than enough. If you see the opportunity, you can invest heavily, either A8 or A0. But remember to save 2,000 to buy an electric car, and continue working after delivering food. #BTC