As long as there is a money-making effect in the cryptocurrency circle, there will be continuous capital inflow. On the contrary, as long as the money-making effect weakens, the attention of funds will decrease, and the short-term or medium-term yield will naturally decrease. One or more reasons attract capital from the capital market to enter the cryptocurrency circle, and the market money-making effect continues to attract speculative hot money to follow up.

But in fact, what is more important to us is to be in this market to feel what the bull market is like. The bull market is a feeling that only those who have experienced it will understand.

In fact, if you have entered the cryptocurrency circle since August last year, you should have felt like you were in a bull market long ago.

What is a real bull market?

Usually, a 3%-4% increase in a day is cheering. A 30%-40% increase in a bull market is commonplace.

Think about the inscription market in October last year, AI and MEME in January and February this year, and the sol market in March. They are all no exceptions, but we don’t feel it when we are in it.

Usually, the rise of each coin has its own logic, such as capital and technology. In the bull market, no matter how rubbish the coin is, it rises illogically. Even in front of you, it rises 100 times a little bit, and you can’t tell why.

Usually, some coins rise and some coins fall. In the bull market, all coins are flying, and there are illogical big Yang bars everywhere. Usually, the strong are always strong and the weak are always weak. In the bull market, demons dance wildly and people are dumbfounded. Usually, everything is calculated.

The bull market always breaks through your cognitive limits, and even breaks through again and again. Break through to the point that you can’t believe it. Usually, you have to think for a long time before buying coins. In the bull market, everyone rushes in frantically, fearing that they will be late for a second and miss 10 times. Compare it with yourself and think carefully about where the market is. Is the bull market not here yet? Or is it a correction in the bull market? Or is the bull market over?

I believe you will get your own answer. If you also want to dig deep into the cryptocurrency circle and maximize your investment returns, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow Tianmeng on the homepage. Junyangli will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day! #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件