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📍Why did the market give a 1 billion valuation in advance when $NOT was initially launched? 丨Comparative valuation method of leading Meme The leading Meme will have a market value of about 3% of the infrastructure FDV. I have listed this data, all calculated based on FDV The market can initially estimate 1 billion before NOT goes online, based on this judgment basis (FDV) However, I think there is a prerequisite for this 3%: the market activity of the chain is sufficient That is to say, the liquidity of the chain market needs to be sufficient. I have noticed that some research reports have used this valuation comparison method to conduct some Meme market research on unpopular chains and calculate the corresponding valuation, but I think it is of little reference value Because many chains are currently playing by themselves, there is no user or liquidity retention for a long time, so this 3% leading Meme is more like an indicator of whether the chain is active based on the current results and the ceiling of the Meme market Whether the Meme activity is active can almost be used as an indicator to judge the user activity of a chain. See BNB in ​​the chart below Chain's leading Meme market capitalization share is still a little bit lower 📍But currently, for several relatively active chains (ETH/BNB/SOL/TON), the average leading Meme market capitalization share is basically 3% In addition to the above phenomena, I also have a few personal thoughts in this short article👇🏻(1) If the fundamentals of these Layer1 remain unchanged in the future, that is, there is no large-scale migration of liquidity stock, then this chain-based 3% indicator can be used as the valuation level of the leading Meme (2) If there are new popular chains launched in the future, and The Meme market of this chain has not yet emerged. 3% can be used as the valuation ceiling for the leading Meme, and the FDV market value of the chain can be used to gradually push it. (3) The valuation ceiling of the Meme market should react to the FDV market value of the infrastructure. (4) Market attention and FDV are the basic conditions. The corresponding Meme should also be calculated by FDV. Memes with various token designs that lead to unfair distribution should be considered for exclusion. Bottom-up should be considered first. Figure 2: The valuation issue discussed with a few friends 5 minutes before NOT went online yesterday was based on the above logic.

📍Why did the market give a 1 billion valuation in advance when $NOT was initially launched? 丨Comparative valuation method of leading Meme

The leading Meme will have a market value of about 3% of the infrastructure FDV. I have listed this data, all calculated based on FDV

The market can initially estimate 1 billion before NOT goes online, based on this judgment basis (FDV)

However, I think there is a prerequisite for this 3%: the market activity of the chain is sufficient

That is to say, the liquidity of the chain market needs to be sufficient. I have noticed that some research reports have used this valuation comparison method to conduct some Meme market research on unpopular chains and calculate the corresponding valuation, but I think it is of little reference value

Because many chains are currently playing by themselves, there is no user or liquidity retention for a long time, so this 3% leading Meme is more like an indicator of whether the chain is active based on the current results and the ceiling of the Meme market

Whether the Meme activity is active can almost be used as an indicator to judge the user activity of a chain. See BNB in ​​the chart below Chain's leading Meme market capitalization share is still a little bit lower

📍But currently, for several relatively active chains (ETH/BNB/SOL/TON), the average leading Meme market capitalization share is basically 3%

In addition to the above phenomena, I also have a few personal thoughts in this short article👇🏻(1) If the fundamentals of these Layer1 remain unchanged in the future, that is, there is no large-scale migration of liquidity stock, then this chain-based 3% indicator can be used as the valuation level of the leading Meme

(2) If there are new popular chains launched in the future, and The Meme market of this chain has not yet emerged. 3% can be used as the valuation ceiling for the leading Meme, and the FDV market value of the chain can be used to gradually push it.

(3) The valuation ceiling of the Meme market should react to the FDV market value of the infrastructure.

(4) Market attention and FDV are the basic conditions. The corresponding Meme should also be calculated by FDV. Memes with various token designs that lead to unfair distribution should be considered for exclusion. Bottom-up should be considered first.

Figure 2: The valuation issue discussed with a few friends 5 minutes before NOT went online yesterday was based on the above logic.

SJ Crypto
A brief talk about NOT: A bottom-up experiment of TON ecosystem? | #Binance New Coin No. 54 #NOT

1. Let’s define NOT first. The Meme attribute is definitely greater than the game attribute, and there is not even any shadow of the game. Strictly speaking, it can be defined as the track of [mobile mining]

The user volume of this track is really huge. The famous project that has not been launched in this track is PINetwork, and the most famous in the secondary market is CORE

2. The exchange listing NOT is actually understandable, but this time it is a bit surprising that OKX, which is also listed on Binance, is mining new coins. I remember that the last one like this seemed to be ACE

Because the former may want user traffic. After all, it is said that the number of users backed by TG is also huge, and it is normal for the exchange to eat this traffic. This is a passive perspective, but there is initiative in the new coin mining

3. Based on the second point, I said before that it may be that the seal of TON has loosened. Previously, TON had regulatory issues. This may have led to Binance not launching it, and TON is the only one in the top 20 that has not been launched.
(Background supplement: TON became the target of SEC litigation in 2020)

But since last year, we can see that TON has been very active in the industry. It is speculated that it has escaped the previous regulatory shadow. I have not found any public information on whether there are any specific SEC-related events.

4. NOT and the logo are TON in reverse. Therefore, although I said in the first point that it can be defined as the [mobile mining] track, it still has the strongest Meme attribute. After all, if there is a serious business project, it will not have such a Meme-oriented tone.

5. NOT is fully circulated when it is launched, and nearly 80% of it belongs to the community. This selling pressure is unimaginable. In addition, the initial launch is used for new coin mining. The proportion is only 3%, which is far lower than the proportion of any previous period compared with the full circulation.

We calculate the market value in circulation. The previous #Binance Launchpool basically circulates about 10%, so the proportion of new coin mining in it can have a certain influence

In the current situation, the proportion of new coin mining has almost no influence

6. In addition to the recent launch of new coins, I have listed several in the figure below. Except for ETHFI and ENA, two tokens with relatively strong Defi attributes and business models, the other two tokens of SAGA and OMNI infrastructure business have performed very averagely

This has a lot to do with market liquidity. For this reason, I also listed the representative MEME listed on Binance: BOME, which also performed poorly.

As expected, the leading Meme of TON series was launched in this issue.

7. So for us, where is the market opportunity to gamble❓

This opportunity undoubtedly refers to the re-gambling of new coins on Binance.

Let’s talk about the secondary market first: NOT Considering the above factors, it is undoubtedly too risky to take it up at the initial launch. It is very cost-effective to ambush TON in the short term, because it is very likely to be listed on Binance after this wave

Then in the primary market, it is of course no problem to target the TON ecosystem, but I have seen many projects that are doing similar models to NOT. Such projects are unlikely to continue to be listed on Binance. Finding projects in different sectors to interact can also gain some certainty

8. Why do I say that NOT is also bottom-up❓

Because it is based on a large number of gathering communities, this part of the community is of very low quality, and even has a lower threshold than the fair MINT of the original inscription

This way of logging into the secondary market, everyone has no community consensus on the token at all, and taking the money for safety may be the mainstream idea of ​​the current so-called community

The launch of NOT is indeed very unexpected. It has been less than two quarters since the project was launched and logged into the secondary market, and the majority of the shares have been given to the community

Without going through the wash, it is hard to imagine that the market has so much liquidity to squander in the short term. Bottom-up construction cannot be separated from this step
Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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分享一件我自己:因为大意导致昨晚丢了大约一万刀的故事🥺 🔻起因:昨晚在清理旧手机内存的时候,把OKX给误删了 🔺结果:丢失了Myshell创世卡2个、AZRA系列NFT3个(找回来1个) 这两个系列NFT现价大约价值一万刀 这个故事告诉我们:钱如果在链上分散放,请务必保存好私钥 一开始误删掉我短暂的懵了,但一开始我只记得自己丢了俩Myshell的NFT,两个现价加起来大约3000刀 我也不是特别急,因为这两个NFT是放一起的,因为这个我关注比较多,我记得有保存的,想找记录也容易 然后试了几个都试不对,结果!我试出来一个钱包里面显示出来个AZRA的NFT!!! 我突然想起来还有另外俩钱包还放着有(真的买了很久了,半年多了) 📍我这才开始有点懵了,这个现价单个都3000刀了,因为当时买这些NFT的时候就是为了空投,然后没放一块是担心到时会不会给空投规则筛掉啥的,就分了三个钱包 现在就是我试了我微信收藏、聊天记录和U盘的一些助记词,都没有找回来,有点破防说实话 我原本两个系列NFT各有三个的,现在AZRA剩下一个,Myshell的还有一个前一阵转给朋友让他做什么交互去了(这个是用粒子钱包的,所以不担心丢) 我凌晨还去测了一下,果然NFT和我是有点犯冲的,今天还是接着翻翻各种记录,看有没有,没有就算了 握不住的沙就让它自己去感受外面的风暴吧😭 然后分享一下我为什么会购买他们吧,首先我是不爱买NFT的,包括之前的NFT行情其实我都没参与 这俩个会买,一个是觉得产品不错+空投预期,另外一个是给推荐的+空投预期 -Myshell 这个是我去年想体验GPT然后才发现的项目,八九月份左右,当时觉得他们应用端做的很不错(主要是那会我第一次接触使用粒子钱包),我是先体验了他们初步的产品,才发现这是个Web3的项目 完事体验了一段时间后,我也有让社区、朋友买点当彩票搏空投,当时也便宜。后来没想到它会获得Binance孵化器孵化,也没想到后续的两轮融资(好像我让别人买的时候已经公布第一轮融资了) 当时买入均价一千CNY左右,现在涨了10倍,算是瞎猫碰上死耗子吧,果然靠运气赚的钱总是会还回去的 并且我现在也持续认为这个项目有上 #Binance 新币的潜力,最近他们出了测试网我没去弄了,这个项目有点死卷死卷说真的 现在打算光买NFT搏空投的话,其实现在我也不建议,有点贵,不一定能空投下来就立即回本 -AZRA 这个项目更有意思,我官网都没咋打开过,为什么会买,是因为当初推特上一个大V直接私信我,让我买 我当时寻思:嗯❓这种摁头的财富密码终于也轮到我了❓ 因为术业有专攻嘛,这种彩票我还是乐意听专业的人意见去搞搞的,反正一次就是小扔几千块CNY进去 最开始我只买了一个,当时是0.3ETH,折CNY3600块左右(别问我为什么记那么清楚) 后来我看他老在推上cx,就又买了俩,3个NFT凑了差不多1ETH整 📍(这个故事还告诉我们:在推上cx,确实会有人跟) 我买入到现在,不算ETH本位涨幅了,就U价算,都涨了六七倍了,也是运气赚来的钱 没什么好说的,上个月的这个时候推特号给封了,这个月的这个时候丢了一万刀,事已至此,先就这样吧 一万刀很尴尬,不多也不少,如果抛开涨幅,光算4个NFT的买入成本的话,大约就在2000-3000刀左右 再算上我找回来的这一个,可能就是打平,白折腾🤐 我现在心情很复杂,哭天抢地不至于,心平气和谈不上,毕竟它们现在确实值一万刀 祝大家周末愉快🥰

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