#美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #5月市场关键事件 #山寨币热点 Let's talk about the market

In January-March of 24 years, the price of big cake was 40000-70000

The price of second cake was 2200-4100, there is no doubt that this wave is a bull market

But the trend here in April-May is not like a bull market

What is a bull market? A bull market is to break through the pressure level as soon as it sees it, and the price of the currency reaches a new high every week and every month

It's not like this now, this stupid market now can't do it when it sees the pressure level

When it encounters the resistance level, it starts to fall, and this is still the big cake rebounding

The second cake is even more outrageous. It didn't even touch the resistance level, and it fell back directly and completely. It has been in ma120, below 3100 for a long time. The rebound of the second cake can't even touch the bull-bear line.

If you look at the entire financial market together

The US stock market is a big bull market because it is still in the 5th wave of new highs and new highs every day

The trend of Bitcoin is average, following the surge in US stocks and rebounding along the oversold

Bitcoin is garbage, not to mention the small rebound in the bear market, but also completely fell back

The new currency is a super big bear market, basically the new currency fell by -30%-50%-70% in one or two months. Can you believe it? The circle bull market new currency -70%?? What kind of bull market is this? Can the new currency fall to zero?

So everyone's joys and sorrows are different.

The US stock bull is celebrating the Spring Festival, the big bitcoin bull is celebrating an ordinary festival, the second cake is celebrating a funeral, and the new mountain village is burying the whole family alive.

US stocks are a pure bull market in the stock market

Big pie is half US stock ETF++half circle funds is a small bull market

Second pie is a pure bear market where circle funds do not take over each other

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, follow Tianmeng. Junyangli publishes market analysis and recommends high-quality potential currencies every day.