Today I will talk about a misunderstanding of leeks' investment:

Why do people only buy expensive ones instead of cheap ones? Often, the more the gold dogs on the chain rise, the more people buy them.

Take Trump of Ethereum and Michi of Sol as examples.

First, the market value of one is 400 million and the other is 300 million.

Buying is still strong.

This meme gold dog that has experienced long-term sedimentation is undoubtedly.

The community consensus is strong, and they will not perform badly every time there is a market.

Trump's election this year has the mood to hype memes.

Michi is also a good narrative as the leading cat of Sol chain.

There is no big space to go up, and there is a story. There is community support on the downside.

The more expensive the purchase, the more diamond hands there are.

Everyone sees that many people rush hundreds of thousands every day, and most of the tens of thousands are pvp. Everyone has little confidence. Only when the market value of a project is large enough will it attract the attention of whales and dealers. Especially meme.

Many of the low market value are leeks harvesting each other.

So many times when buying local dogs, I basically don't have a large position with a low market value. Only when the market value is high will I take a position.

What about most leeks? He went all-in when the market value was low, but the volatility was too big, and it dropped 50 points at random. He panicked.

So leeks only buy cheap ones, but cheap ones are not good.

Many leeks have problems with their investment thinking. I bought cheap ones, but ended up stepping on countless pitfalls. Only projects with high market value are completely recognized. Only those with high market value can be heavily invested. For those with low market value, basically they are small funds that try to make a big profit with a small amount, rather than a small profit with a big amount.

To make a big profit with a small amount is to use your small position to earn hundreds or dozens of times the profit. Rather than going all-in.

Going all-in must be something certain.

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