The overall trend of ETH is really weak, and it is very close to the historical low of the ETH/BTC exchange rate‼ ️

Since BTC hit 60100, we have been reminding everyone to enter the long position, and until yesterday's CPI market, we also publicly published a message to remind everyone to enter the long position‼ ️This wave of ETH long positions was also successfully taken, and our long positions were also entered simultaneously in the real market‼ ️Some people asked me why there was a stop loss in the real market. Isn’t this normal? There are gains and losses in trading, so some people questioned that our real-time data was too good and was fake, and now they are slandering us for having stop loss in the real market. Then your rumor is self-defeating. 🤣 First, you questioned that my real-time data was excellent and was fake, and now there is a stop loss in the real market and you are slandering me for losing money in the real market. Then what is the logic of your saying that I am faking it? 🤣 In the real market, this 2880 long order was also successfully won. 👌 And it is still held with huge floating profits. Then why is there a loss? Because we decided to try to short Bitcoin once near 65,000, because this is the dividing line between long and short. If you go long on Bitcoin, you will make huge profits. If you make a mistake, the market will turn to long. We have long orders of ETH and continue to make profits‼ ️That is, although ETH is currently floating profitable, it has not rebounded significantly, so I think the profit is not ideal enough. The ETH publicly released to everyone was won again at 2800‼ ️#美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #NOT开盘预测