Why did I say on the day of the non-agricultural data that the market has released a signal to stop falling‼ ️But I still recommend everyone to enter the market with short orders🤑

And continue to eat the subsequent two rounds of decline‼ ️

You can see from the trend chart I drew in Figure 1 that the whole round of decline, Ethereum fell from 3520 all the way to around 2800. So there are many sell orders trapped above the entire decline process. You can imagine, if you are trapped in this round of big decline, what do you want to do⁉️

The first thing you want to do is to sell the trapped orders immediately after the rise. So you can see that after the decline is completed, the entire market will enter a state of repair, and the entire upper part is all trapped pressure points, so why do I still recommend everyone to continue to short after the rebound after the market stops falling? Because although the downward trend has stopped falling, the pressure points above still exist, and the overall trend is still falling. If you go long, it is not particularly safe. Of course, you can go long to enter the market to gamble on the rebound, but going long is not particularly safe. If you want to make stable profits, you still open shorts along several pressure points, and you can get steady profits. #BTC下跌分析