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Recently, a fan asked me a question: He said that he had been in the cryptocurrency circle for more than three years and two months, with a capital of 100,000 yuan. He had experienced a bear market and this bull market. Why is he still spinning in circles, not making money, and even starting to lose money? His current position is only more than 80,000 yuan. When I heard the time when he entered the circle, I already understood why he didn't make money or even lost money. More than three years ago, it happened to be the first year of the bull market, which was the beginning of 2021. In order to verify my thoughts, I asked him three questions. 1. When you first entered the circle, did you buy small positions first and then large positions in the process of making money? 2. Did you basically only buy and rarely sell? Or did you constantly change positions and increase positions based on market sentiment and news? 3. When you saw that the sentiment was very bad last year and the end of the year before last, did you cut your losses after the sharp drop, and then buy back after seeing the market continue to rise? Unsurprisingly, basically all three of these were true. In fact, his situation is basically the same as that of many retail investors. Taking this round as an example, there are three big opportunities to buy at the bottom. No matter which one, as long as you seize it, you can basically double your position at least. According to the increase of the big cake, it should also be achieved. However, the real bottom-fishing tests everyone's emotions and the ability to control positions. Few people can do it. I am one of them who can do it. In this circle, there are many people who lose money, accounting for 80%. These people have the following common conditions: 1. No concept of the cycle. 2. No management of positions. 3. No control over emotions. The above three points will cause bull market chasing rises and bear market killing falls. If it rises, FOMO will be generated, and if it falls, people will spray. Brother Wang played in advance during the bear market. When entering this circle: First, you must prepare for a 50% retracement of the principal, so you cannot borrow money or take key funds to gamble, because "important funds" determine how big the pattern is. Secondly, you must look at the cycle accurately. It is best to plummet. After a period of decline, find the bottom of the box and arrange in batches to pull to a relatively bottom price, and then ensure good emotions and less operations. The most important thing is that the conservative exit strategy is to use the currency standard, double the price and sell out half, then for every 50% increase, sell out 10%. You can reap the dividends of the entire bull market without getting hurt. When to buy is crucial. This is relatively simple, but it seems to be a bit difficult for most people, because they missed the opportunity and were not patient enough to wait. Most people lose money in the bull market for this reason. For cryptocurrency trading, most of the time should be spent waiting, waiting to buy, waiting to sell, and the operation time should not be even one percent. Those who can do this will of course be hurt in the retracement last month (human nature), but in the long run, they must have accumulated enough wealth. In the absence of desire, getting results often means seeking but not getting, and not seeking but getting. Do what you should do, stick to what you think is right, strengthen your ability, and the rest should be done without desire. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message. #BTC走势分析 #热门话题

Recently, a fan asked me a question: He said that he had been in the cryptocurrency circle for more than three years and two months, with a capital of 100,000 yuan. He had experienced a bear market and this bull market. Why is he still spinning in circles, not making money, and even starting to lose money? His current position is only more than 80,000 yuan.

When I heard the time when he entered the circle, I already understood why he didn't make money or even lost money.

More than three years ago, it happened to be the first year of the bull market, which was the beginning of 2021.

In order to verify my thoughts, I asked him three questions.

1. When you first entered the circle, did you buy small positions first and then large positions in the process of making money?

2. Did you basically only buy and rarely sell? Or did you constantly change positions and increase positions based on market sentiment and news?

3. When you saw that the sentiment was very bad last year and the end of the year before last, did you cut your losses after the sharp drop, and then buy back after seeing the market continue to rise?

Unsurprisingly, basically all three of these were true.

In fact, his situation is basically the same as that of many retail investors.

Taking this round as an example, there are three big opportunities to buy at the bottom. No matter which one, as long as you seize it, you can basically double your position at least. According to the increase of the big cake, it should also be achieved.

However, the real bottom-fishing tests everyone's emotions and the ability to control positions. Few people can do it. I am one of them who can do it.

In this circle, there are many people who lose money, accounting for 80%. These people have the following common conditions:

1. No concept of the cycle.

2. No management of positions.

3. No control over emotions.

The above three points will cause bull market chasing rises and bear market killing falls. If it rises, FOMO will be generated, and if it falls, people will spray.

Brother Wang played in advance during the bear market. When entering this circle:

First, you must prepare for a 50% retracement of the principal, so you cannot borrow money or take key funds to gamble, because "important funds" determine how big the pattern is.

Secondly, you must look at the cycle accurately. It is best to plummet. After a period of decline, find the bottom of the box and arrange in batches to pull to a relatively bottom price, and then ensure good emotions and less operations.

The most important thing is that the conservative exit strategy is to use the currency standard, double the price and sell out half, then for every 50% increase, sell out 10%. You can reap the dividends of the entire bull market without getting hurt.

When to buy is crucial. This is relatively simple, but it seems to be a bit difficult for most people, because they missed the opportunity and were not patient enough to wait.

Most people lose money in the bull market for this reason.

For cryptocurrency trading, most of the time should be spent waiting, waiting to buy, waiting to sell, and the operation time should not be even one percent.

Those who can do this will of course be hurt in the retracement last month (human nature), but in the long run, they must have accumulated enough wealth.

In the absence of desire, getting results often means seeking but not getting, and not seeking but getting. Do what you should do, stick to what you think is right, strengthen your ability, and the rest should be done without desire.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message.

#BTC走势分析 #热门话题

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我在币圈赚了3000万,现在基本退圈,一开始我是什么都不懂,怎么注册交易所都不知道,在最早的云B上直接入金几十万一分钱没提,后来914公告一出,全部腰斩。 我心想亏了几十万了,也不想卖了,都到处发朋友圈说自己云B的几十个比特币怎么办,也不懂钱包什么的。 心想可以提到哪个网站上去呀。这时候朋友圈的有一个姑娘就手把手的教我把比特币提到了什么比特尔什么上面慢慢就开始聊起来。 一开始我对她没什么感觉,可能同样是单身久了,我们竟然也能聊的有来有回,后来我们居然在一起了,就说可以先把婚定下来,和她父母沟通彩礼、三金什么的,整个算下来估计要二十万左右,还要在县城买房。 当时家里只有二十多万,这也是我之前一直不想结婚的原因之一。我自己当时身上也就两万多块钱,定亲后我就出去打工了,在一个小公司,一个月六七千块钱,她在老家县城上班,我和她说让她跟我一块出来打工,她说不想离家太远。 我也就没有强求,日子过得真的捉襟见肘,结果发现比特币涨到了6万美金一个,我们手忙脚乱的登录网站找回密码,发现账户上有3000多万。这时候我真的无比期待和她结婚。 之后我们就每天聊天,每天视频回忆起来当初的几十个比特币还好不值钱,我们把他都忘记了,她算是我的初恋了,现在我感觉无比幸福,我们把所有的比特币换成了U提现到了自己卡里,听了大V 的也没有被冻卡,生活真是充满了希望。 今年快到了年底,我们快结婚了。想到结婚那天我肯定会特别紧张,一紧张就想上厕所,然后我就醒了,我真的好后悔,睡觉前就不该喝那一杯水。 点开我头像,关注我,看我资料找到我。 君羊里每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #Meme币你看好哪一个? $BTC $ETH
手里有两万,想进币圈应该如何操作? 如果你想改变人生,请一定看完 今天我想说点和其他人不一样的,一个穿越牛熊的老韭菜的肺腑之言。 不知道你是否经常看到“远离合约 珍惜生命”这句话? 每个人进圈都是希望⾃⼰能找到百倍币或者千倍币,想着那句币圈⼀天⼈间⼗年,可是现如今已经不是那个时代了。 如果你是普通人没有多少原始资本,你想投资比特币,以太坊赚大钱可以改变命运的那种,放在以前,我也会让你买入BTC ETH ,现货也能赚⼤钱,可是现在如果你没多少本⾦,BTC涨到10万刀,也不会让你彻底改变人生。 不要误解我的意思,一些更高风险的也许比较适合你,盈亏同源,你能承担多少的风险,就会有多少的回报。 熊市囤币,牛市卖就能实现百倍涨幅改变人生? 我以亲身经历告诉你是妄想,现如今币圈币种多的甚至快超过韭菜的数量了,融资的项目一个接着一个,上新币的速度比韭菜增长的速度还要快,看看币安和欧意上的新币平均涨幅,上市就虚高市值,估值离谱,机构不断的投资项目,拿到几乎毫无成本的筹码,上线就不断抛售让韭菜为他们接盘,他们套现币圈的资金都被他们这些抽干了,每天百亿的交易量,一个项目上市估值就100亿,整个市场的流动性才不到1%,目前严重的贫血,也许这就是投机市场的本质。 你要是说很多⼈靠⼟狗财富⾃由了,那是极少数⼈,我就不愿意去碰土狗,碰土狗不如好好研究合约期货,就算离开了这个圈子,还是有很多的交易标的可以选择。 在这个市场你需要精通⼀项技能,这个⾏业能做的事情很多,除⾮你身边有专家,否则你很难紧跟⾏业的节奏。如果你想提⾼认知唯⼀能最快最有效就是请教有经验的⼈或者通过书本,⼀定要记住精通⼀样,不要什么都想抓住,那样也许你什么都不⾏。当然请收起你的偏⻅和懒惰,去投⼊精⼒,搜集资料,深⼊研究,这远⽐⾦钱更要。 ⾸先我们⼀定要认清形势,和认清⾃⼰,来这个圈⼦的⽬的就是来改变人生的,请给自己构建一个完整的计划,什么时候买进?什么时候卖出?买什么标的,策略是什么?风控怎么做? 我和裙里的朋友交流,一再强调大多数⼈只能赚趋势的钱。很多行业只要你坚持用心就能做到顶尖,但在投资市场亏钱是常态,这里比你聪明比你勤奋的依然都亏钱,凭什么你一定会赚钱,投资是用钱赚钱,资本太少,就容易滋生du性,du性不可怕,我们要有原则的去du,既然du就du盈亏比最高的。 何为 趋势 ,就是⼤⽜市持续一年到两年的时间,在牛熊转换的时间做好计划,遵循客观规律和数据,做多币本位积累自己的原始资产。 新项⽬多关注,⼈们现在喜欢新鲜的事物同样也喜欢新的故事,熊市刚刚上币安的新币可以圈起来,不要在刚刚上市就去买⼊,花点时间和精⼒⽤多种⻆度来分析研究它们。研究不错的,这时候不断的分批买⼊就是正确的。 现在币圈发展⾮常快,这种环境更要加强学习。⻛险和收益并存,⽬前市场已经过了野蛮生长阶段,潜在利润在快速下降。如果你想暴富,⼜不想过多关注这些,那就只剩下是合约了,合约甚⾄⽐⼭寨币有更多可能性。 以前的我跟⼤多数进来的⼈⼀样,很多前辈⽼⾲菜告诉我远离合约珍惜⽣命,但是我⼀直觉得币圈合约市场是一个非常伟大的产品。币圈本身就是⼀个博弈的游戏,⼈性的游戏,零和游戏,既然是游戏我们⾸先就要懂游戏的规则,⼈的投资逻辑的成熟就是不断的认清这个市场的游戏规则。 现在的币圈投机属性更重了,你也不要带着偏⻅看事情,也不要觉得⾃⼰就是对的,别⼈都是傻逼,把胸怀放⼤⼀点,多个视⻆思考问题,每个⼈都有适合⾃⼰的路,巴菲特价值投资能赚钱,索罗斯投机也能赚钱,没有谁就⼀定是正确的,适合⾃⼰的,拿到结果就是最好的,请别在偷懒了,花时间精⼒去强化⾃⼰的交易系统,未来的你才不会再次失去这改变命运的机会。 当然首先构建一个长期的计划,现货的波段做明白弄透彻,请开始你的合约交易之路,合约我觉得是⾮常好的投资⼯具,不但市场上涨可以赚钱,下跌同样可以赚钱,还能⽤来对冲现货,你做合约亏钱爆仓是你的错,是你的交易系统交易计划问题,这本身不是合约的错,合约本身的存在就像是⼀个⼯具,⼯具有什么错呢?是⽤它的⼈犯了错,为什么要把这个错误让合约这个⼯具来背锅,你亏钱是你没有建⽴交易系统,没有纪律,⼼态不好,不带⽌损。 我们来了解下合约有什么优势和⻛险,我们真的可以抗争⼈性不去爆仓吗?有些⼈资⾦本来就少,你觉得现如今的市场有什么⽅式可以更快的积累本⾦吗? 现货假设,你今天只有1000刀,大饼⽬前30000刀 ,你认为⽐特币即将上涨,如果你⽤1000刀 买进去,涨到了36000刀 ,你赚了200刀,因为你只有1000刀 ,B价翻倍你才赚了200刀。 合约假设你同样认为大饼子即将上涨+20%*5,你的1000刀赚1000刀。 但请开始做合约之前,⼀定要学习如何管理仓位,建设自己的交易系统。 币价格涨了⼀段时间,假设你认为未来价格回调,可以去做空,那么你的收益同样与上⾯⼀样的结果,如果是现货你只有买涨只有⼀个⽅向。 #热门话题 $BTC

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