Lao Cui talks about coins: How to predict the trend of the coin circle?

Simple logical understanding, there is no winner in multiplayer mahjong, so someone must have lied. It has been said in depth, so everyone should be more cautious in investing. Users who don’t understand this paragraph don’t need to ask more. If you think you can rush, you can try it. After all, everyone understands differently, and the proletariat still needs everyone to contribute part of their own strength.

The country is in a state of deflation, and the overall market economy is not active. For these problems, you can start with agricultural and sideline products, especially the fruit industry. Low grain prices hurt farmers, and this has happened a lot in the past two years. Some people can find business opportunities in Lao Cui’s articles and make profits. From the perspective of increasing income from gold energy to natural gas, hydropower, etc., the financial level should indeed increase everyone’s living costs. From the bottom perspective, many things are difficult to explain, or even difficult to understand. Lao Cui supports the arrival of the wave of price increases. Although it has increased costs, it has also increased the income of the bottom people. There is no dominant ideology at the political level. From a purely financial perspective, this is indeed a revolutionary thing.

It is easier to understand the situation abroad. Japan's exchange rate collapsed, causing Japan's national assets to shrink by 30% (at the lowest point). The whole of Asia was in chaos. Under the economic downturn, only a handful of countries were able to maintain a decent situation. At least we are still in a decent situation now. For the later stage, it is not a problem that people like us can worry about.